May 25, 2008
Many people would have found me irritating by now. Always ranting, always whinning about how meaningless life is. But life ought to be filled with questions, and the search for enlightenment and knowledge. If I don't do that, how am I going to find what I am looking for, or how am I going to discover what is necessary in my life? I am not going to remain complacent or satisfied with what I have now, because we all are evolving creatures - ever changing, and never stop growing. To hinder growth and development, is to invite tragedy. Life should be free, autonomous, and opened to various ideas and perceptions.
So far, I have made many comments regarding religion, faith, and the supernatural. I have went hard against them and sounded very biased towards irrational and dogmatic beliefs. I realised now that my true hatred was not entirely towards religion as a spiritual concept. Rather, I realised that it is the dogmatic essense of religion that I have big problem with. Instead, I am all for spirituality.
I have spoken to a classmate of mine regarding religion and finding one's sense of spiritual fulfilment. After conversing for some time, I came to a conclusion about what I really expect to get out of my search for truth and fulfilment. I have come up with a few criteria of what is lacking in my life:
1) Spirituality within a religion - If I can find spirituality within a religion, that is, if growth and development can be nurtured if I give my faith to a particular belief, I would consider being a member of that group.
2) Love and acceptance - Everyone is looking for that and I can't deny that I lack love and acceptance, especially from the people outside my house (excluding my girlfriend). People just don't care nowadays, and the atmosphere seems apathetic and cold. I am getting used to it.. more like being sick of it. I long for a group of friends that truly accept me for the way I am and would not judge me no matter what. I did not get this in return for joining a church in the past, because wherever I go, I don't feel appreciated, needed, accepted, or of any significant service to anybody. In everything, I did my best to contribute whatever I can, but all I need is a simple appreciation and non-judgemental attitude from believers.
3)Freedom from dogma and the responsibility to make decisions that will bring about growth and change in my own life - I am all for spiritual growth. I am very against dogmatic or scriptural instructions or commandments. I feel that commandments and scriptural texts are not as helpful as experiencing the real stuff in the world. This is not because I am blespheming against the "Spirit", but I think that to be able to encounter peak experience during the process of self-actualisation is the best freedom one can get from spiritual growth. Being spiritual, in my opinion, is not being religious. Spirituality is never the same as dogmaticism. Spirituality is rational, tolerant, and healthy. Religion and dogmas are irrational, intolerant, and psychotic. There are many things that I disagree in the bible, just as there are many values I disagree in the secular world. Life is not merely a comparison between reason and faith. But how one make sense of logic, reason, and rationality, as well as faith, hope, and spirituality.
There are many reasons, now that I am enlightened, why I am strongly against the idea of dogmaticism.
#1: Dogmaticism is putting authority over a single truth. It is the perspective of taking reality to be only in terms of black and white. In life, that is never the case. Grey areas like ammorality or neutrality still exist nonetheless. One cannot say that certain ideas are completely true, nor can anyone testify that certain ideas are completely false. There are percentage of rightness as well as there are some probability of falsity. I do not give God all the credit that He is the ultimate creator because whether He did create the earth or not, it is not up to me to say it like I know it all. I don't know. Even if the bible were to mention it, I still do not know. Because to take everything literally from the scripture is foolish. Yet, not taking literally everything from the holy book, is puzzling to almost anybody including me. Therefore, it is very hard for me to believe. However, if there is one thing I totally agree with the practice of a certain faith, that is spirituality - a notion that one doesn't stop growing and maturing till ripe old age.
#2: Dogmas hinder growth, maturity, and wisdom. Being too "by the book" is a dangerous affair. I can tell you just why this is so. Dogma doesn't open anyone up to reasonable ideas of what life is like. Life is meant to be experienced, lived, enjoyed, and fulfilled. Dogmas forbid one to try new things as if the consequence is sin, sin, and more sins... to be blamed on the culprit who is simply trying to experience the variety of options given to him or her in life. Everyone ought to find meaning in life and to create their sense of being... to find out who they really are, to identify themselves not as "Soldiers of God", but as REAL men and women, who fight the great fight and finish the race as courageous individuals. This has to be done not because of heaven's reward, but because the best is yet to be. Life-long learning should be embraced, instead of preparation for death and the afterlife. Death should not be life's goal, but it should be one's awareness. By being aware that life is indeed short, thus, the need for great things to be done here on earth.
#3: Dogmas can turn into fundamentalism any time. People will have the tendency of being foolish and using dogmas to justify their folly. Picking and choosing the verses within the bible or holy scriptures is an example of justify one's act because such and such a verse says so. I don't believe in complete reliance on the scriptures, but spirituality involves seeking revelations and inner peace. If an individual is not calm on the inside of him or herself, he or she can never attain any revelations or spiritual guidance. At least, I recall just how revelations work. Fundamentalism is dangerous because it is a process when people start to take the verses in the holy scriptures out of context. I hate to depend solely on scriptures and if I have the choice of depending on dogmas and experiencing what life is all about, I would choose the latter. If I were to have children in future, I would tell them to seek meaning in life on their own, instead of depending upon what the dogmas say. This is because we can be morally good even without dogmatic guidance. Where do we get our morals from? Well, I am not going to answer this question, because there are many sources where we can get our morals from, including spirituality.
I have expressed my hatred for dogma and a constant despice of religiosity and ritualism. I have finally come to my sense that spirituality is still something important to human existence. We live with imagination, and with such ability to imagine, we are then able to draw our relations to something external - somethig out of time, and out of matter. Something out of the extraordinary... that is what we deem as God. But if I were to tell you who God really is, I would be God myself, which, unfortunately, I am not.
I hope I have clarified my stand. I am not a atheist, just in case some of you may suspect me of being one. I am not a staunch believer because I don't believe in giving a hundred percent certainty to what is happening in this world. The sun may rise tomorrow as everyone expect, but we still ought to give 1 percent of doubt that the sun may not rise tomorrow, or perhaps tomorrow might not even arrive. I am agnostic in many ways, but it doesn't matter to me anymore. Because I know that I need spiritual guidance too. Sounds silly for me to say this right now... but, people do change. Some change because of circumstances, some change because they are forced to change, but some change because they have found what they are looking for.
I change, because I am human. Because, I have the most precious gift that perhaps not many would have... I have someone who loves me a lot and never fails to be patient with my doubts. I never fail to ask questions - bright questions, silly questions, redundant questions, and life questions alike. But all she did was listen. The answer I wanted is not meant for her to tell me... but she has shown me what and how it means to love. I am not a perfect candidate for loving anybody, because this flaw of mine, is that I lack love and acceptance. Thus, thinking that everyone is probably having issues with me, I strolled on in life disillusioned, confused, and lost. I think life is REALLY meaningless, but yet, I saw meaning in her eyes, and in other's too. I wonder what was it, and I couldn't figure out. I was too scared to face reality sometimes, knowing that it hurts to see myself as rejected, unappreciated, and beyond salvation. I don't expect the almighty God to show His love through people. I don't even look forward for people to do good things to me because God commanded them to. All I'm looking for, is that somebody who has made the effort to be unconditionally accepting without being too judgemental. The "will to love", the "will to give", and the "will to significance". No one has done it other than her. And I think, I have found my peace now.
Darling, you don't need to feel discouraged because you didn't 'reach out' to many people. The people don't need you to tell them about your religion or whatever you know or have been taught. People are not interested in evangelists. People are interested in finding acceptance. I am against the idea of evangelism because of this. Evangelism isn't that effective anymore as compared to the time of Jesus who lived in a different society than the way our society is right now. Our society is now made up of people who lack attention, lack love, lack acceptance, and many more. There are so many things lacking in contemporary lives today and I just couldn't bring myself to mention all of them here. However, I am grateful to have found someone like you who have been with me through my ups and downs. Of all people in my life, you are the only one who has made the difference. Thank you for your love.
I've never stopped thinking things through, reflecting on my core values, and analysing my life over and over... because life is not about holding on so strongly to your beliefs. Life is about finding the truth. YOUR truth.
May 23, 2008
After losing my handphone, I suddenly realised just how valuable a simple phone means to me. Although I've never liked it so much as I thought it was lacking in several 'cool' functions that I desire, it is still a phone which can be quite handy at times. Taking things for granted, I realise just how much I miss it now. But life still goes on - the show has to go on anyway. I've learned from some of my stupid mistakes along the way and I never regret losing anything in my life. A phone is worth only a few hundred. But a person I love is priceless. All these do not matter as much to me anymore because whether there is any value or not, it is still my own life that I have to keep an eye on. Naked I come, and naked will I depart. This is life.
I dress up because I was forced to. I educate myself because I was forced to. I grow taller because I was forced to. I am 'mature' because I was forced to. I want to look good because I was forced to. I am not acting myself because I was forced to. I am cultured because I was forced to. I work because I was forced to. But I still do these things... because, I was forced to. What is it that has a hold on me? SOCIETY.
Let's face this sad fact.. that society has a hold on everyone. Every individual has gotten themselves into deep shit. They have bounded themselves within the expectation of society. Ironically, society is a socially constructed phenomena that doesn't quite exist at all... only conditioned within the minds of everyone. Humans are so conditioned into doing things unknowingly for the sake of society, not for themselves. I do it too... because I was forced to. This is not rebellion. This is a life of prison and a life of bondage. In fact, I am speaking up against this so this makes me a rebel. Besides, I don't think this is any 'obedience' reaction at all. I am simply knowing it too much but knowing not how to defeat society. Because society is larger than any multinational corporation in the world, the only discretion is through this pen in my hand. And thus, I learned that with patience, the pen would be mightier than the sword.
Q: Why am I against religion?
A: Religion is a socially constructed phenomena that aims to give man a sense of consolation, relief, comfort, direction, hope, joy, peace, and imagination. We, as humans, have the power of imagination, creativity, memory, and foresight. With this powerful mind that we possess, we are able to tap into various ability that help us attain our desires. In disappointment, we look for consolation. In hurt, we look for relief. In sadness, we look for comfort. In crisis, we look for direction. In distress, we look for hope. In isolation, we look for joy. In conflicts, we look for peace. In reality, we dream. In fact, there is nothing that we cannot do to make our lives better, because of the evolved muscles between our ears. Yet, our mind can be our enemy sometimes, because our mind can also limit us in many ways.
By subscribing to a particular culture, religion, political ideas, philosophy, scientific school of thought, or any other organisational groups, one has already limit him or herself to a very large extent. However, the biggest obstacle that hinders the progress of society is religion. Religion is the focus of a single dogma claiming its absolute truthfulness without the support of ample evidence. The only evidence found was that people are actually imagining a god within their brain. Perhaps, "imagine" is not a proper word, but rather, "justifying" is. People are always justifying who "God" is. I don't know about who God is, but I know that if a person can jolly well tell me that God is a good God, or God is a compassionate God, or God is a punishing God, or God is a savior God, or God is a loving God, or God is a just God.. etc., then this person is only justifying to me what God is like, not who God is. Because if one can tell me who God REALLY is, then he must be God himself.
We all imagine things. We all picture things in our minds. Imagination is part of human's ability because it is also a survival instinct. Without imagination, we would not be able to build infrastructure, business, set goals, or even plan our day. How we live our lives, is part and parcel of our imagination. Imagination is a good thing. But everything is also a double-edged weapon. It works for you and I, but it also work against you and I. I think human imagination has gone a little bit too far because the result of fundamentalism in this world is so evident right now. Everywhere, people are taking their scriptures out of contexts: Picking and choosing the verses in their "holy" books to justify their deeds or beliefs.
There are simply too many nonsense that has happened, and to list them here would make me feel like I'm writing a history textbook myself. No, it is no way to contaminate all its negative effects it has upon people here on my blog. The only thing I would list here is that the 9-11 attack has changed the world. Has it changed yours? Has it changed your thinking? Well, here's how it changed mine. Let's all stop being damn respectful.
Q: What has religion got to do with culture?
A: Culture plays a big part in our lives, even throughout the history of man. Religion melts into the web of culture whenever they meet. Religion and culture is like sex and violence.
Religion is filled with sins and virtues, while culture is filled with dos and don'ts.
Religion discourages people from doing something inappropriate because it is forbidden by the "perceived" God. Culture keeps people from doing things inappropriately at the wrong time and at the wrong place.
Religion says we should not have pre-marital sex. Culture says we should not pick our nose in public.
In religion, Muslims feel more superior than the rest, and Christians feel that Muslims are pigs. In culture, the Whites think they are superior, while the Chinese think that some of their own are dogs and outcasts.
Religion is dogma. Culture is tradition.
Religion is in every culture. Culture is in every religion.
Therefore, religion and culture are inseparable twins.
Q: If I am against religion and culture, doesn't it make me a non-cultured person?
A: Yes, I would like to be non-cultured if ever I have the opportunity, because I am but an individual after all. I cannot win society on the whole but that does not stop me from being a rebel against the idea of culture and religion.
Picture this: Suppose we take culture out of the human race, including religion. What have we? We would be living in caves, hunting animals for food, and fight against other humans or animals for survival. The fitter being survives while the lesser ones die. Life without culture IS indeed cruel. But does life with culture or religion improve the situation? Picture this: Imagine the rich that gets richer, and the poor gets poorer. What you have here is that the rich has managed to hunt better food and thus enjoy themselves with their rewards. The poor has not managed in its fight for survival and thus will sooner or later die out. Religion says we should give to the poor. What have we? The world's poverty is still rising and people are starving.
Here are the evidence: us look at our Malaysian neighbour as an example: dear Singaporeans, as of the statistics of 2004, most of our Malaysian neighbours are living on 500 to 1000 Ringgit a month. That is equivalent to S$250 to S$500 a month, which is also equivalent to about S$8.30 to S$16 a day! Perhaps, that is not as bad as
Vietnam. Singapore is but the only prospering country in the South-east Asian region. However, there are conflicts within the nation too.
Let's look at the
monthly household income statistics (
Notice that the majority of the population are somewhere between Below S$1000 to about S$3000. The latter amount is obtained by ordinary citizens or permanent residents who underwent education through the local universities. I postulate that amounts ranging higher than S$3000 are earned by individuals who are either entrepreneurs or businessmen. And what is the high amount above S$15,000 earned by a large group of individuals? Are they the ministers? Perhaps... and what are THEY doing with the money? Hmm...
If these people could give half of their salary to those at the range of S3000 and below, I suppose there would be quite a lot of happy people around. Life would be slightly easier. I'm a dreamer but if you are offended by my dream, then perhaps, you can buzz off.
So, what culture have we? Money culture? What difference will it make? What difference can it make? With or without culture, human race is still the same. With or without religion, people are still selfish and cruel. It is in our genes, in our blood, and in our veins to be cruel, nasty, and condemned. It takes courage to love another person, because people deserve hate.
Grace, is something that doesn't come cheap. But in its unconditioned nature, grace is what we lack. If one thinks that grace comes from God, I have no problem with that. But if one thinks that a particular culture, religion, or philosophy is great and the only truth, then I would have a problem. There is no culture in us. It is only an illusion or delusion that has brought us so far.
Therefore, we don't need culture to survive, because with it, we are still no better off than dogs, who at least possess the least bit of loyalty.
May 16, 2008
I have one more assignment to go before I had to prepare for my coming exam this June. It's been a busy month for me and thus, I will be taking frequent hiatus from the blogging scene. To my readers, thanks for poppin' by and thank you for some of your great feedbacks. I will be updating most part of my blog during my vacation in mid-June, including the alteration of certain stuffs on my blog. I will be including new links to this blog and some more interesting stuffs, so do check it out when the time comes.
I am so tempted to seek a therapy. It seems that I have been 'suffering' (not sure if this is the correct word to use here) from insomnia. Besides, the term 'insomnia' is itself a layman's term, as I am not very sure whether my condition fit its description. Nonetheless, I think it is giving me some trouble sleeping. I am not sure how am I able to get help anywhere. Friends.. please tell me what do and how to cope with this.
Several days ago, I recovered from a throat infection again (the second time this year). This time, assignments weren't the cause, but the weather was. I hate the weather here in Singapore. I just don't understand why some white-skinned friends who come all the way to Singapore and love this tropical weather! I think it sucks. I think tropical weather is good because of the wind, and that's about it. The rest just sucks when you think about it, especially when the sun ray starts to burn on your skin during the hotter days in April, May, June and July. I am already roasted and I wish my white-skinned friends the best of luck. In addition, many are coughing outside my house. And to step outside my house, I need immunity. If I fail to be immunally strong, I'd be the next in line to check out the nearby clinic next to some convenient stores. The doctors are indeed busy earning some extra money this summer... although there's no summer in Singapore.
Now that I am well, I feel like a free man. Freedom from the agony of sickness, freedom from the bondage of medicine, and freedom from porridge. And until next time when I see the doctor again, I'd be enjoying myself and the things I eat. Sounds pretty hedonistic isn't it? Haha. I was never a hedonist back in my Christian days... but now, an angelic wretch like me finally see the light. I think happiness is what everybody is going after, but that does not make it an objective entity in itself. It all still depends on how one defines happiness. I am for the hedonistic views of happiness in that we should all do things not in terms of finding the means to an end, but it is all for the sake of happiness itself. Drinking coke is unhealthy, but if drinking coke makes you happy, then it is perfectly alright to drink coke. Masturbating is dubbed morally unsound to Christians, but if masturbating makes me happy, then it is again perfectly alright for me to do it, regardless of what others think. Why is that so?
Morality and other considerations are subjective. Therefore, happiness is subjective. If my happiness is not your kind of happiness, it is not a crime; it is simply natural. Similarly, what makes me happy would not possibly make you happy. So, it doesn't matter what you do or what I do, as long as each of us is doing it for the sake of happiness regardless of any disagreement. However, there are some ethical consideration, as I do not completely buy into hedonism without rethinking the consequences that would, in the process, occur.
First thing for sure - No taking of lives. I know this sounds cliche and silly, but seriously essential. Not that I have been brainwashed by the secular society, but rather, we move together as one society. And that no individual is capable of outcasting himself from society, because society itself is after all the universal entity that engulfs the entire human race. No one is capable of neglecting universal human rights or universal law, because the current society (and the society yet to come) will be the deterministic force that drives human action and existence. No matter how individualistic we are becoming, we are still collectivistic by nature. Hence, the society or rather, the majority of people agreed that the taking of lives without legal consent is wrong. Therefore, so let it be.
Second thing is - No one gets hurt. If I want to be happy to an extent whereby someone would get injured in the process, I should reconsider my intention. "Better safe than sorry" is the appropriate phrase. Having oral sex may be wrong in another individual's point of view, but when there are two contenting parties who engage in such satisfying sexual act without risking any injury, it is perfectly ALRIGHT. Therefore any country that bans such act calling it illegal is a country that needs to be laid. Obviously this particular country should start a sex business before its economy goes flat and their people grew desperate. BUT BUT BUT... I'm a great supporter of safe sex. And Christians, you need better sex lives. Muslims, I think you need it more than Christians. Monks... oh, don't bother.
Third thing is - Parental consent. Apparently, I have lived over the age of 21, so this does not apply to me anymore and I am finally immune to this. Unfortunately for some who wish to practice "Individualistic hedonism", and if momma or pappa says "NO", then it's too bad. Because engaging in something you like (as long as no one gets injured or killed) and that no one can ever stop you in the process, is something which one should exercise responsibility. My kind of hedonism is an individualistic one if you have noticed so far. Therefore, it requires lots of resonsibility as such personal philosophy has much to do about freedom and free will. It is by far, free-er or more liberal than Liberalism.
Last but not least - Observe the law. Philosophy is philosophy. Ethics is ethics. Morality is morality. But the law overwrites all. The law is above every ethics, free will, and moral decisions. It is socially constructed, but effective against anarchism.
So, in summary, my personal philosophy has something to do with plenty of freewill. And I shall guarantee that some people out there would be offended. Nonetheless, I couldn't care less because to me, as long as no one gets killed; as long as no one gets physically, mentally or emotionally hurt; as long as there is no illegitimacy in a specific act, anything I do is completely permissable.
Am I a liberal? Not completely. Am I a libertarian? Partially. Am I a hedonist? Much of me, but not all. What am I then? I am ME. Because I don't subsrcibe to only one theory per se. In fact, I value life as it is, rather than life as it is without. Every political theory or philosophy is making sense but each has their weakness. I cannot afford to adopt just one philosophy for myself to live my life as if without it, I would perish. Rather than living my life by ethics, by philosophy, or even by law, I choose to live my life as it is - meaningless, purposeless, and valueless. It is only by seeing that something itself is missing and lacking, thus it motivates oneself to create something out of nothing. Well, I am motivated, I don't know about you. Life is meaningless, but if I don't create my own meaning, who will?
May 07, 2008
*dar dar walks in and gave me a kiss*Yeah... that's my dear, who is about to go to sleep at this time of the night.
Anyway, I finally completed my assignment and all set to hand it in tomorrow and prepare working on the next one. Life is shitty as hell, and work never ends. Pardon me for my pessimism because optimism can never help in any situation at all. Speaking about being optimistic, it's a form of mind exercise I suppose - training your mind to stop expecting the worse - which is rather pervasive.
One may say that I have been a pessimist as my entries are now becoming more pessimistic than ever. The bad news is: It is going to be like this and there's more to come. People just refuse to be realistic and always think that having faith is so important in order to prevent oneself from experiencing depression and other anxieties. The truth is that even in optimism, there is a chance of disappointment, and where the amount of optimism is involved, this makes way for the prevention of self-preparation. Preparation for what? Preparation for the worse to come.
I used to be optimistic, but I know that I must be pessimistic as well. Subsequently, I refused to accept either polarities and start thinking that everything happens no matter how you protest or desire. Being optimistic gives you hope for the future, but leaves you a chance of disappointment. Being pessimistic gives you caution and skepticism, but something needs to be done in this process. So I conclude that nothing is worth being pessimistic or optimistic about. Things just happen either by coincidence (mere chance) or by sheer selection (desired force).
Things do not happen for a reason. It is for a reason that we live, but whether the reason is a good one, a valid one, a bad one, or a meaningful one, leaves us to our own imagination and creation. Similarly, if things happen for a reason, then that reason is something which you create out of your own context. For example: Two men had cancer at the same time. One of the two may think that the reason was because he has done something wrong, thus deserving such 'punishment' as a reason to get by. The other may think that the reason is because of some greater purpose that he would be facing in future, thus such experience would help prepare him for the greater purpose in the future. Both men had different views of why things happen. Both men thought that things happened for a reason. Both men had each created meaning for himself and lived according to what he believed. Therefore, to say that life has a purpose is an illusory statement. It is less than a purpose.
I still have difficulty grasping the concept of praying to God as some form of 'reality' to having certain needs answered via prayer. How long do we wait for our personal needs to be met after praying? Sometimes, it takes less than an hour. Sometimes, it takes decades. Now, suppose you prayed that your grandfather will pull through in the process of being warded in the hospital for some problems that require surgery. If it worked out for you that your grandfather survives, people would say God is great. If it didn't work out and he died, people would say that grandpa's gone to heaven and he's now up there "smiling down on us"...
Firstly, why is it "up there"? Why can't it be "down there" "screaming up at us"? Because it appears that many people refuse to accept the fact that their relatives might be in hell, assuming that there is one.
Secondly, not all prayers are answered because things just happen by chance, and within these coincidences, the individuals involved were making all the decisions. Whether or not these decisions came from God is debatable... but we can be sure that decision making involves a human being, and only a human being.
Thirdly, you can try praying to any object say.. a cup. Everyday, you pray to a cup that you would be blessed with a sum of money to do your scholarship, which cost somewhere around $2000 for instance (just for the sake of argument). There are perhaps a few scenerios which would take place after your prayers:
#1 - In a few weeks, your distant relative came knocking at your door and told you that he or she had a weird dream that you needed help and subsequently passed $2000 to you. Does this show that the cup has magical powers? Does this show that the cup has the ability to answer your prayer? Is this cup a God? If it is God, then everyone should worship cups. If praying to a printer would get another person the same result in a few weeks or so, then everyone should worship and pray to the printer and to the cup. If this is so, then which God is the real God? And which object answers your prayers? The cup? The printer? The lap-top? The toilet seat? God? Allah? If fifty percent of the time, you get your prayers answered just by praying to each of the above mentioned objects, isn't it quaint enough to know that there is not a single difference whether a prayer is made or not made.
#2 - In a few weeks, your money has not arrived. Everyone does their business as usual. You gained no financial blessings and your prayers practically were not answered. Perhaps, give it another few months and see what happens. Nothing happens. Well, what are you going to do? Work hard of course! Or find a job! But if your salary did not increase, it has nothing to do with the celestial activities "up there", but there are many factors to look into. Definitely, "celestial ativities" such as the claim that God, the Invisible Hand, provided aid to the one who prayed is not a satisfying answer at all. And even if your employer gives you the check of your monthly salary, don't even think that the cup has blessed you or God has blessed you, because you reap what you sow. In other words, when you work, you stand a chance of getting paid. This is reality. Employer pays you. God doesn't. If you think God pays you then that's your problem, you probably need a psychologist. Therefore, the cup has no effect, and prayer has no effect at all. Pray to God and the same thing still happens (50% answered prayers & 50% unanswered prayers). Maybe you will disagree, because answered prayers happen to you all the time, you lucky bastard!
#3 - In a few weeks, you received a tip from someone who was pleased at your customer service. That tip cost quite a lot and you realised someone has just tiped you $100. That's not the total sum of money you had prayed and asked for. The cup! What's the matter cup? Can't I get everything all at once? Perhaps, I should wait... And many believers would say that God would give three answers whenever you pray: Yes, No, and Wait. Well, maybe, in this situation, you should wait. So you waited and nothing happens. Perhaps the cup lost its power. So you prayed to the toilet seat for some financial blessings, and suppose you get another tip of $150 from another satisfied customer and similarly, nothing eventful happen after that. Finally, all tired, you decide to pray to God and you receive $500 year-end bonus for your hard work. Still doesn't add up... what do you do? Pray to another object say... a pack of condoms, believing by faith that you would be financially blessed. But the amount never add up each time you prayed and waited... seems like forever. Saving those money? Those are not huge sum of money as a person easily lives up to 500 dollars a day depending on your nationality. To wait for prayers to be answered is a pain in the ass. To work for what you desire is the key to getting what you want. Nothing fails like prayer.
It is so ironic that sometimes, when people prayed for safety, they got killed by accident somewhere, somehow. This is not surprising. There are many excuses for such things that happen to people who prayed for safety and got killed accidentally:
"Well, it must have been God's plan."
"Well, he asked for it. I think God isn't please with him."
"He's a sinful man who doesn't change his ways."
The list of excuses can go on... and people will start justiying in the name of God why such and such happened. It is all so man-made and politically superficial. I think this is lame. I think this is quaint. And I think this is the reason why God is made by man.
Wouldn't it be easy enough for people to just believe in themselves, even if we have limits? We are slave to our consciousness. Let it be that way then. Because if we deny reality by forming images in our minds about how heaven should be like, how hell should be like, and most importantly, how God should be like, then we would never wake up to the full harsh reality in that we humans are nothing but a huge container of chemical reactions. Perhaps, the cold reality of this world makes us fearful that we turn our attention to something we deeply wish that could last for eternity - something powerful, positive, and just. But faith is just one matter, and where faith is concerned, it is believing positively in something which demands no evidence, but yet holds a chance of mistakings. The failure of optimism, be it in religion, or in secular beliefs, is the evidence that we should put aside our polarised minds and think rationally.
May 01, 2008
It's time for Food For Thought (FFT)! But before this, Happy Labour's Day everyone! It's one public holiday that majority of the Singaporean workforce would enjoy and hopefully, cherish. And while some who choose to slack at home, perhaps give some thoughts about certain craps alright? Time to exercise your mind to make it grow better, and think better... LOLx... I decided to implement this FFT segment in my blog every now and then whenevr I have the time or ideas to do so. Not only I could spice up the blog a little, I could perhaps get people thinking. Now, time for FFT!
Food For Thought* When a man marries four wives, it is a polygamy.
When a woman marries four men, it is probably a foursome.
So when a man is said to be handsome, could it be that he is somebody whom you can have SOME sex with starting with a HAND job?
* There is an old Arab saying that, "If your father is an onion, and your mother is a garlic, how do you smell good?".
Similarly, in the context of fairytale, "If your father is a frog, and your mother is a princess, how do you not look like a walking tadpole?".
But, if your father is a carpenter, and your mother is a virgin, then how the fuck did you exist? ... or are you the product of a one night stand?
Nonetheless, if your father is Bush, and your mother is Teresa, then boy, how are you not born of shit!
* If A = B = C = D, does that makes D = C = B = A? No, because they are not equal.
Alright! Happy holiday! Enjoy yourselves!