December 30, 2007
I'm sick and tired of so many idiots who came to my blog and made personal attacks against me instead of my ideas. And for those who think that I was actually promoting my thoughts thinking I was right all the time, they should go take some primary school english comprehension courses all over again. Either that, or they have failed to read every entries in my blog and keep in close contact with me in order to find out exactly what kind of person I am and what exactly my thoughts were about.
The blogosphere is such an interesting place where so people can get lost and misguided about what many bloggers are writing about. Some, like me, are writing about their frustrations and thoughts (religious people piss me off most of the time and that explains the contents in my entries), and are sincere about them... yet deep in their expression of their ideas in their own ways such that it takes time and constant effort to decipher exactly what the main ingredients are. This is so, especially when there is no physical contact or when neither the readers nor the blogger has any form of mutual relation to one another.
This blog of mine is a precious entity and refuge to me. It is a place I regard as "sacred" (metaphorically, not spiritually) to my own being and the thoughts I expressed in a straightforward manner may offend certain people, but they have two choices - a choice not to be offended, and a choice not to read my blog entries. It's just so simple like A, B, and C, unless you are trying to tell me that you can't read.
I'm lost in my thoughts. That I agree. I am always thinking. That, I agree as well. But I rather engage myself in constant scepticism of what is going on around the world and constantly asking questions, than instead, relying on blind non-thinking faith that thrives in the absolutes.
I have NEVER insisted that my beliefs are right. But rather, I chose to support the evidence that science has demonstrated because it has shown itself to be advancing and that without the discipline of science, there would not be progress. Morality on the other hand, is the key to life. But staunch belief and blind faith hinders progress in society, whereby many men, women, and children in past history have been slaughtered in the name of God, and is therefore a contagious threat to mankind. And yet, religion is supposed to teach us all to love?
Anyway, this blog has served me for more than three years, which goes to show how much I really cherish this place. Sometimes, I really hope others could be more tolerant and able to be opened in a friendly discussion if there were any, instead of making personal remarks, especially those not directed at me. It is rather rude to fling a remark indirectly to a person by bringing that person's love ones into the picture. I simply don't understand these idiots because they either have a choice to disagree with me on certain things, or simply just walk away like nothing happened. For me, there are many things I disagree with religion, but yet, there are also some pointers which I would agree regarding certain religious teachings (e.g. morality and proper conducts).
I would only say this once (which I have already repeated so many fucking times previously). My blog represents my thoughts. Don't like my thoughts, don't read my blog or go fuck yourselves. Choose.
p.s. but those who want some friendly discussions with me are welcomed to email me. logically, that's what emails are for, and that's why i place mine here in my blog. again, no negative remarks are to be made of my love ones nor close relationships, as i will not tolerate this. to those who do this, fuck you!
December 28, 2007
The good news this time round is that the year is ending, and very soon, I would have to make some new year resolutions. Another good news is that my Internet connection is now proven to be working great for me and I can, once again, blog and surf the net. Now that Christmas is officially over (though some pious people still consider it to be lingering as it is the "season for giving"), it's time for me to get serious with what remains of my assignment. Besides, I still get some verbal persecutions from some Christians, who are obviously pots calling the kettles black, that my opinions are naive or nonsensical.
Everyone of us are naive in different perspectives. Ignorance, well, is of course inevitable to some extent regarding certain subjects or matters. I cannot say that I'm not ignorant of everything. In fact, there are still some things which I could be ignorant about. But what concerns me is that many religious people do not admit that they are seeing only one side of the argument, and that is their own argument. They do not accept the views that there are more things out there than just God, God, and more God. To them, God is the way, the truth, and the life, the ones who believe in him shall live a better life than those who don't. Plus, they have a bonus of going to heaven while the rest who fail to believe in God goes to hell.
It is the similar to telling a person that if he chooses to become your friend, then he will benefit from your love and kindness, and everything good that you are willing to give to him. But if he turns his back on you and refused to become your friend (not your enemy), simply because there is not enough solid and valid evidence or reasons to do so, you are going to smite him or treat him like your enemy when the time comes (if the time - end time - really comes). Such faith is arrogant in my opinion, and I refuse to accept such arrogant statements from fundamentalist Christians who think that their God is the only God to life of salvation or truth (which is questionable because truth in reality sense is biased).
Every religion, in fact, has their own teachings that encourage people to do good and be moral, because initially, we are filled with conscience, which took place in our minds. Our perception of the world and the way it is made provides us the ability to create an imaginative utopia in which we could put our sense of hope and trust in the invisible, mystical, and unknown, which is supposed to be far greater in superiority and strength. Thus, it could well reflect how our ancestors perceive the rising of the sun as the beginning of a new day, and of a new hope, and that there is an element of god in it, which was eventually viewed as the source of life itself. There is some probability that our ancestors were mere sun worshippers.
- Man's religion, all from the very beginning of recorded time, is filled with symbolism and traditions as he tries to do something to put himself right with forces greater than he - his creator (could have been a fire, a cloud, or a mountain). As man became more sophisticated, he became more sophisticated in his concept of really what that power was above him. But with all those traditions came symbolism (Bill Jenkins).
Besides, other teachings such as Confucianism and Buddhism emphasized that we should not do unto others what we do not want others to do unto us. Doesn't it sound familiar that Jesus also once said this? By the way, Buddhism and Confucianism existed far longer before the birth of Christ. The Hindus believe that Krishna had a miraculous birth who was sent here on earth to do miraculous deeds, just like Jesus. Both were persecuted and ascended to heaven. Other ancient gods such as Mithras, was born on the 25th of December (notably long before the birth of Christ), whose miraculous birth resembled that of Jesus. Yet, Mithras was considered by the Roman Empire to be a pagan god while embracing Jesus during its Christianisation. And when deciding when Christmas day (the day Jesus was born) to be held, the church authority chose December 25th as the official date. What a coincidence (well, there is a lot more to say it is similar, rather than just coincidence)! And what politics! The aztecs worshipped Quetzacoatl as their creator god, whose birth is of a virgin birth to the goddess Coatlicue. Like Christ, Quetzacoatl died, and was ressurected into heaven.
There are many similar stories to that of the life of Jesus Christ, that appeared thousands of years before the birth of Jesus. According to the Naked Truth (1991), there were other 16 men before Jesus who claimed to be the son of God; who were claimed to have a virgin birth; and the mother had the name of Mary, or derivative of the word Mary; who were in the temple scolding and training the elders by the age of 12; who the ruler of the land fearing that the son of God had been born and try to put the first born to death; that they were asked by someone greater than they to move away from the land they were born to a foreign land to save their lives; who began their ministry at the age of 30; who ended their ministry at the age of 33; and who were killed on the cross.
This happened in 16 different events prior to Jesus: Krishna of India (1200BC), Hindu Sakia (600BC), Thammuz of Syria (1160BC), Vithoba (552BC), Iao of Nepal (622BC), Hesus of the Celtic Druids (834BC), Quetzacoatl of Mexico (587BC), Quirinus of Rome (506 BC), Prometheus of the Greeks (547BC), Thulis of Egypt (1700BC), Indra of Tibet (725BC), Alcestis (600BC), Attis of Phrygia (1170BC), Crite of Chaldea (1200BC), Bali (725BC), and Mithra of Persia (600BC).
It just had to be so, that Jesus lived the same pattern of life, death, and had the same ressurection claims as did those 16 men and many others who were before him. This is certainly not about religion, neither has it got to do with faith. But we're dealing with historical facts and evidence. Certainly, if this was the case, it is therefore not a coincidence that these men who lived at different times had the same living and dying patterns like Jesus. It would be absurd to think that it is not a coincidence as they were all false prophets, for they do not know any better from the day they were born anyway (that is, if they ever existed according to what was claimed and passed down through generations). It all boils down to one common conclusion, that religion thrives in age old myths and generations of strongly held superstitions that formed traditions of untested beliefs into unshakeable truth, which are passed down through sheer passage of time and through the power of institution.
The origin of such beliefs began in primitive times when man have limited knowledge of what the world is like. To them, it may have been a harsh living condition within an unfriendly environment filled with natural disasters (i.e. volcano erruptions, earthquakes, lightning and thunder, tsunamis etc). And late at night, while staring into the sky filled with stars, without a slightest clue of what they were, our ancestors could have marvelled at such breath-taking sight (without knowing that they staring into a deep time machine), and thinking such complexity might have come from an unknown and unseen force much greater than they were. It is marvelous how humans have the ability to create images far more superior than he is and turning them into a force that empowers him to do the greatest works, deeds, and sacrifices anyone could ever think of - a mirror of all powerful nature gods and countless myths that surrounded them. It is this creation of myth and legends all around the world, that became traditions and symbols to be worshipped by humans of various origins. For example, it was the mighty Thor that created thunder with the striking of his hammer whose lightning bolts sent terror down to the earth below. At night, when it became cold, dark, and frightening, Baphomet, prince of darkness, was believed to be the one who came out to rule. At dawn, when the sun rises, it was perceived that light had come and defeated the darkness - it became none other than god's sun, the light of the world.
Human beings have the ability to think logically, rationalise and reason, as well as having the power of imagination. All these abilities equip us to adapt to our environment by constantly seeking, discovering, and questioning ideas or answers to bring ourselves one step closer to progress and most importantly, survival. However, man's weakness lies in the confusion between logic and imagination. When man are faced with issues whereby he does not have, yet, a solution to them, it is almost very likely for him to create or imagine an alternative solution (even though it is practically a wrong one) in order to resolve that problem. Therefore, just because the world and its biological make-up seems complicated in many ways, it is assumed that there must be a creator behind such perceived creations.
For those who misinterpret my point of view about where I was coming from, I wasn't personally against Christians or people of other religions. To say that I am personally attacking their faiths is an intelligent way of making these individuals an idiot of themselves. Because firstly, if questioning and challenging faith is something not to be done other than respecting it and tip-toe away, then there is absolutely no proper conversation regarding the conducts of man. After all, what I am discussing about so far is that we do not need the primary elements of religion to do good and be moral. Yes, religion teaches man to be a moral person, to be kind, to love, and to be generous. But, on the other hand, religion can be a force for man to do the most evil things on the face of the earth, and most of these deeds are done in the name of God, and literally according to what was stated in their scriptures or holy books. Theologians may argue that their scriptures or holy texts should not be interpreted or taken literally. Well, if scriptural books like Deuteronomy, Numbers, Judges or Leviticus should not be taken literally, then how well must it be interpretted? By revelations and not by explanation and reason? The historical accuracy of events written in the holy bible and other similar books still remains questionable till this day and fundamentalists still refuse to open themselves to reason and continue to have faith in an invisible and conceivably supreme being. To them, God is real, and everything about the bible is true.
Well, have they ever thought otherwise, like what if they were wrong? It seems like many of them are quick to condemn and reject scientific ideas that contradict their religious beliefs and holy texts. Besides, many of them are quick to judge perspectives coming from unbelievers and ask, "what if you are wrong?". Well, if I am proven wrong, I would gladly admit my mistake and move on. But will they do the same? What if God never existed? Would they still cling on to their bronze-age faith despite all the forthcoming scientific evidence and advanced discoveries in many years to come? Only time could tell.
Let's not be quick to judge, but be ready to question everything.
December 20, 2007
Terrible days this week... what a hard time I have with my laptop's wireless internet connection! I only managed to log in now because I am using the direct local area connection to access the web. This is so troublesome and my limited knowledge of technological or computer stuffs only makes things worse. Anyway, Christmas is just around the corner and everyone (including me), is already getting presents for their friends and love ones. I think Christmas is rather commercialised these days and well, for me it's just another holiday to enjoy.
What about author of the God Delusion, Richard Dawkins? Jeremy Vine interviewed him regarding the singing of Christmas songs despite one's disbelief in God and being an Atheist. Dawkins shared his opinion on air. Check it out..
The reason why some Christians are trying to evangelise during Christmas season and Easter is that they believe that the world needs to be saved so that Jesus' word would come true, and He would make His second coming. But honestly, there are millions of us in this world and everyone is different in many ways, including our mindset and the way we perceive things. Therefore, it is impossible for every living human being on earth to subscribe to a universal thinking or belief system. If that is the case, there is no freedom of choice. However, since Christians claim that God gave men the freedom of choice, then let each person determine what he or she would like to embrace. But if embracing something which the Christian bible claimed would cause one to end up in hell, then what is the use of free choice then? Isn't it an excuse for an apparent and visible biblical verbal threat? The consequence for having a bad ending is due to bad decisions, but the evidence for the consequence of finding one's soul in hell has a lot to show up. Can the Theologians prove it? No one can. Why should we believe that one would go to hell for not embracing Christianity? If I would die one day and God questions me of my disbelief, my answers would be so straightforward - "Not enough evidence sire, not enough evidence."; "Why would I call you Father if you have not shown yourself physically?"; "If only you have appeared again and again such that not only faith can prove, but evidence, science, logic, reason, physics, and all human senses could detect your presence and reality, then you wouldn't have to go through the trouble of sending me and others to hell. It saves your effort really."
This delusional belief that the whole world needs to be saved is slightly equivalent to the Muslim's thirst for world conquest and domination. The difference is that one is through Jihad, and the other, by softer and non-violent means, compassionate evangelism. But despite all these talks of how religion is contagious and manipulative, I still enjoy the lightings and decorations at Orchard Road. I like to listen to Christmas songs and sing to Christmas songs even though I am consciously aware that this religion is questionable. The Christian culture is expanding over the world, thanks to evangelists who brought people to their home church just to see themselves rising up to a cell group leader's position, or any other "Christianly" and "Churchly" respected position. Yes, and they love to see new faces coming to church every weekend just to join them in the singing, shouting, screaming, jumping, clapping, and waving, not forgetting comparing clothes. Although there is an increase in the number of church goers, I do not suppose everyone goes to church for the same purpose or intention. So I guess Professor Dawkins was right. Church goers may enjoy the praise and worship, as well as some weekend tips of how to live a better life out in the real world... but they may not completely believe that Jesus actually exist or perhaps, they may think that God only exists in their hearts and that's it. Church goers may not be Christians, but they aspire to be a better person thanks to the sermons by pastors (who are also moderate Christians) who wants to engage themselves in the secular world and marketplace, in order to be able to bring more people to church.
Such is the reality of the church these days - if you are bringing somebody to church, you better have something good to offer, such as a rock band, a foreign spiritual and motivational speaker, a grand looking auditorium, good sermons that provide moral tips on how to become a leader in the secular society, and of course not forgetting, nice shapely attractive people in the church to look at. If a church is plain and simple, no one would go! Isn't this simple enough? That the megachurches are solely aiming for the quantitative growth but second the quality of its humanity and morality concerning the way they perceive their way of life - in fact, not much critical thinking has been involved if one is a staunch Christian. One example would be how my would-be ex-cell group leader treat my criticisms, agnosticism, and scepticism of the bible and Christianity. Whenever I tried to discuss, not just with him, but to other church-going individuals about my agnosticism, he would interfere and say that I would stumble some people's faith. Well, if faith can be stumbled by just mere words of harmless discussion or reasoning, it goes to show how reliable biblical sources are. I have never heard of Scientists saying that their conclusions to their hypotheses have been stumbled, because what is tested and proven is evident. There will be no conclusions without evidence and constant postulation. There is hardly any faith in Science, unless one is putting a huge amount of trust in one's constructed hypotheses that there is a much greater effect to be evident at the end of the study. Well, even so, one should not come to a strict conclusion just because it has not been shown. This is something faith can never do.
I don't believe that the whole world needs to be saved. I don't believe that people should not question religion. I don't believe that people should keep religion out of the topic during meaningful conversations. I don't believe that having faith in the supernatural would be enough to live a life of fulfilment.
I believe that there are so much to enjoy in this world and this life time, that we should all make the best out of it since this is the only life we have.
Anyway, Merry Christmas to everyone in advance... I hope I could be able to get my internet connection fixed by Christmas or perhaps the start of the new year.
December 16, 2007
Treachery.. my feelings have betrayed me. I was shocked as well, that I could not control my fury last night when I was hiring a cab. It was, however, a long and frustrating day for me as things did not went according to my plans.
Sean called me early in the morning and asked if I would like to watch a movie with my darling. I responded with approval and there, I started planning the day. I checked out the various cinemas and found one that has some seats available. Feeling joyful, I took a ride down but realised that most seats were taken up. Without a thought, I asked if NETS was accepted.. No, it's not. So, I had to go withdraw some cash and I thought by the time I return, the seats would have all been taken up. I was very mad at this. THINGS JUST DON'T GO ACCORDING TO MY PLANS! So, my plan for the day has failed.. and then, I was confused and had to start planning for another event.
I don't think anybody seemed to understand how I really felt at that time because I was all alone. In addition to that fact, I felt really disturbed that my plan failed and I thought I could not even plan properly. Quite ashamed actually.. I tried controlling myself for the day even when talking to my girlfriend and trying to discuss our next plan... I was already feeling frustrated by then. I hate last minute changes, but at that moment.. I had to make some last minute change, which is NEVER my nature nor in my principle.
Later, as I bought the tickets from another cinema, I lost one of them while taking my phone out from my pocket (I hate those god damn jeans pockets). Feeling desperate and anxious, I went all the way back to the place I last been and eagerly searched for the missing ticket. Fortunately, I found it. What a day!
All these made me really wonder if I did wake up on the right side of bed then. I had to repress my anger and frustration for the rest of the day... but at the end of it, I couldn't take it any more.
You see, I hate the fact that I'm just so inflexible. I'm a planner, but yet, I got so confused and messed up for a while whenever my plans failed. Also, I don't like to inform others at the spur of the moment when things change... and yet, I had to when circumstances took the turn, and I hate responding opposite of the principles I value. Simply put, I'm a straightforward person, sometimes, to the point of verbal brutality. It's hard for me to not be myself, for I too dislike being pretentious and insincere to others. Hence, to all my friends, who are really my friends, would begin to understand how I was feeling, and why was I feeling exactly the way I was.
I agree with my dad. It's hard to make friends if I can't control my fury. But yet again, if a friend could simply understand how I felt, wouldn't he or she just not be a friend? Perhaps, he or she could be my true friend...?
To my dad, friends are hard to find. He thinks that there is no such thing as a friend in this world. But unlike him, I think that friends are everywhere... but the ones that are true with their feelings to me, sincere and yet understanding, are not just my friends... they are my brothers and sisters.
I have to admit, it has been close to 6 years since I last blew my top and lost my mind. Never will I lose my mind again...
... I hate to fear, but had some.
... I love to be courageous, but yet fear insensitivity.
and the cycles goes on...
I wish there are anger management classes in town where I could participate in, really. Life gets more pressurizing - Prices are now increasing, and the government are enjoying themselves on their throne, fucking themselves while the people are trying to make ends meet - sometimes, I felt that if I don't release my suppressed frustrations, and other desires I know could never happen, I would die a slow and emotionally painful death... if that's what the government wants. I don't like to blame anyone, but I just feel that the government should be blamed for everything... because firstly, in Singapore, the people fear the government, not the other way round. That's the sucky part of living here. The government doesn't change... so do the people.
I'm basically frustrated with so many things, but I am trying my very best to keep these screwed up events suppressed within me, while biting the baton and move on in this competitive life. I hate the fact when someone comes in the way and screw things up further for me. That will get me really furious. As a city dweller, we are all impatient sort... what is missing, is that little enjoyment or reward that we get at the end of the day... which is so hard to get, when one has to work over time to make ends meet. Now you know why I detest the government.
Alright, my ranting is over. I shall be sane again and do whatever I'm suppose to do.
December 11, 2007
Well, I think I couldn't stand it any longer... Somebody wants to kill my demon. I wouldn't allow them to...
Finally, I have the time to blog. Now, sitting in the library, I've just completed my analysis for my lab report and surfing web with all the free time I have in hand, I stumbled upon something which I have long expected. Those fucking Christians deleted my link to my personal blog! WOW... I never knew that these imbecile creatures are so fucking closed minded, much less narrow minded. I know that the contents I wrote are pretty much speaking against their beliefs because I personally think that there are certain loop holes in the Christian faith itself, which they would not ever like to hear because of their BLIND faith (or perhaps unintelligible mind) that they themselves wouldn't like it being wavered and shaken. However, I want to make my stand and criticisms clear such that those topics I brought up would be subjected to debates and reasoning... rather than seeing these poor souls leaning on to blind faith like a pathetic crutch.
I'm troubled, not because my link has been taken out, but rather, I'm bothered by such attitude of complete rejection, or should I say, negligence of criticisms, doubts, scepticisms, and the constant questioning of faith, God, and the holy scriptures. These pathetic religious people deny reason and continue to have faith without question, and always on the march for their invisible God. This is obviously so, that militant faith denies the real facts and testable theories (debatable and non-debatable) of this world, also, it constantly shut itself away from critics and people of reason, and they refuse to look at all sides of the story and question their faith. Unlike science advocates like myself, who question theories, hypotheses, facts, and opinions formed and shaped by various well-known and reliable sources, religious nutcases completely reject them all, and would never consider the fact if evolution is ever true, because God is all they need, as interpreted by their imperfect pastor.
Well, it's alright if these religious idiots do not consider my criticisms, and they would always remain as criticisms if left uncountered and undebated, because there are so many atheists, agnostics, sceptics, free thinkers, humanists out there who still question the existence of God, or who are still sceptical about the reality of a surveillance camera in the sky. And the fact that these lunatics thought of going all out to win souls for the fucking sake of Christ without debating, answering or tackling the main issues that intelligent non-religious thinkers have within themselves is a big joke to laugh at.
I'm not going to say any more because I'm hungry now... and besides, I don't think any religious lunatics would listen cos of their occluded cerebral cortex left somewhere else such as their asses.
Alright, I'm signing off for my evening meal. Checkin' back later.
December 04, 2007
Faith VS ReasonScenario 1: Christmas is around the corner this year and you are getting a present for your significant other. However, on your side, you do not really know that your significant other would ever get you a present. Despite this question of doubt, you believed that he or she would buy you a gift for Christmas. This is an example of faith you have in your partner. The reason is because you have a relationship with him or her.
Scenario 2: Christmas is around the corner this year and you are getting a present for your significant other. However, on your side, you do not really know that your significant other would ever get you a present. Despite this question of doubt, you believed that he or she would buy you a gift for Christmas. Furthermore, you told yourself that EVEN if he or she doesn't buy you a gift, it may or may not be evident to show that he or she does not love you. Hence, you convince yourself that there are indeed quite a few possibilities for any delights or mishaps along the way, while at the same time, putting your trust in your significant other. This is an example of rational thinking.
Rational thinking is becoming an essential necessity to living a fulfilled and sane life in this horribly sick world contaminated by irrational fundamentalism, dogmatic extremism, and religious fanaticism. There have been accusations that free, rational, and critical thinking is pessimistic, skeptical, and doubtful. But unlike religious dogmas and beliefs, they do not emphasize a strong faith built upon supernatural coincidences (or some would call God-incidences), thinking or merely believing that they are right simply because their holy scriptures or religious texts say likewise. In short, religion thrives on the absolutes, but in the wide variousness of the human condition there are no absolutes, only competing goods and desires (Grayling, p.105). Take Christianity for instance, one has to believe in Jesus, and also receive Jesus into their life, as well as repent of their sins before becoming a Christian. The very first thing before one becomes a Christian is to say the Sinner's Prayer, which I am sure, is a ritual for many Christian churches even till today. Why is this so? Simply put, Christianity is yet another religion (regardless how any staunch believer would ever deny this). Not only that, it's main ideal is to despise the conception of sin and believers are to be grateful to their perceived saviour for delivering them from their sins by obeying God, in exchange of that favour. Whereas for morality, it usually comes in second to the deliverance of sins from humankind. But very often, morality is interpreted and emphasized in accordance and in context to the holy scriptures, which again, doesn't emphasize much of morality anyway. It is all about ridding sins from one's mind and body, or if you like, soul.
Free thinking and logical reasoning do not practice such dogmatic nonsense. Instead, they rely on human ethics, moral philosophies, and concepts about interpersonal relationships, responsibility, and concern. A rational mind usually question everything it sees, hears, or senses in its environment. It is independent in terms of opinion, thought, and judgement. It is not moderate, which also means, it does not weigh the pros and cons of a subject, then chooses the side which is determined not by rational decisions, but by dogmatic rules and religious laws. If religious laws and dogmatic rules do matter, then there is no longer any strong need for one of such faith to practice logical reasoning and decision making, especially when it goes against certain dogmatic views. On the contrary, if one is rational enough to put on some critical thinking cap, and equip oneself with the ability to reason with his or her mind, then there is absolutely no necessity for religious laws or dogmatic rules to take control of that rational being. Immoral crimes like murders, killings, genocides, and suicide bombings were committed in the name of an invisible God, are fine examples of irrational insane minds under the extreme control of irrational faith and pseudo-religiosity. Thus, their holy scriptures are to be solely responsible for such religious atrocities committed not for the sake of God whose existence is still questionable, but to put their own faith and reputations to shame. These fanatics are a disgrace to their family, the weed of our society, and a great example of serious mental illness. Many of them, needless to say, were intelligent people who were scholars, some of them even had doctorates from well-known universities around the world. Yet, their staunch belief in an irrational faith, which influenced them into having a narrow-minded dogmatic view of the world spelled a gradual doom to their future and beyond.
It is not fair just to blame the fanatics for their religious atrocities committed out of a babyish mental processing (or should I say, non-thinking). Every individual who embraces a religion has the potential to become a fanatic or a religious fundamentalist. It is just a matter of time to see it unfolding within their character. Even if some would not or never become a religious fanatic, they would most probably be the ones who are the most intolerant of many ideas put forth by rational people who just do not have any religious beliefs. These types of religious people are the most common in Singapore and in many civilized societies around the world. Because of their dogmatic faith and strong religious beliefs, they remain a closed door for many possibilities and solutions to their problems: all they need is God, and God is all there is in order for things to be alright. I really do fantasize about such an outcome, but one has to be realistic in the situation one is dealing with.
In a survey of 2000 doctors conducted about half a year ago, 35 percent of non-religious doctors, compared with 31 percent of religious doctors, said they were likely to care for people with little or no health insurance (
Chicago Sun-Times, 2007). According to that article, a study has shown that atheist and agnostic doctors are as likely to provide care for the poor as religious physicians. The reason for this paradox was later postulated that caring for the poor, which is an expression of faithfulness and commitment, is something that many religious individuals do not practice. Instead, they are solely committed to their God without being aware of their environment, situations, and people around them. Although individuals who claim to be spiritual could fare better than the religious, they have a likelihood of becoming ritualistic and religious, if they cease being aware of themselves.
As I have mentioned before, religion robs the minds of individuals to ever possess the ability to apply critical thought, logical reasoning, rational problem solving, and moral decision making. It is like cancer or HIV, which gradually eats away the good cells capable of battling against sickness, such as irrationality. Like racial identification, religion separates people into various groups of denominations and sectarians. However, unlike the former, religion divides people, society, and thoughts. Of all these three, the division of thoughts through the power of the church, or any religious authority, is a threat to human and scientific progress, especially when we are living in the modern age of the twenty-first century. The complete rejection of certain scientific or philosophical ideas is already a threat to progress, much less the rejection of other irrational and nonsensical faiths within the perception of these religious individuals. It is not wrong to reject certain ideas, however, it is rather insensible to completely reject an idea that holds a certain amount of facts, truth and reality. To reject an idea is to see the positive and negative sides of it, while making a stand for yourself what you think is rational and moral. To completely reject an idea is to say "NO" to such proposition regardless of its positive traits. Unfortunately, many religious Christians I happened to know completely reject the idea of evolution without even thinking twice about its positive applications and worse, misinterpret the idea of evolution altogether. Obviously, they know nothing about the theory of evolution, and its application in our lives today.
Faith is non-thinking. And one who does not think is a dead man. While faith involves the deep knowing and sensation of one's belonging to a supernatural realm that seems to be true only in the mind of this individual, it is but a gradual mental decay of a completely deluded being. Faith is believing what one knows is right, even when sometimes it could be wrong.
Reason, on the other hand, observes the observable, tests and confirms the unobservable, and relies on logic and individual perceptions. It is humble and democratic. A person of reason is one who does not claim to have the right answer to everything, or insist that his ideas are unquestionable and thus, always right. Reason frees you up from the narrow-minded or rather, frog-in-a-well view of life. It encourages free thought, which is good for the mind, body, and health. It lacks faith for being skeptical and doubtful, but at least, it does not agree without question.
In sum, although there is faith in everyone of us regardless of any situation that we are in, it would be a deadly mistake to rely on faith alone, without questioning faith itself. Faith should be questioned no matter what the situation is. After all, if faith and/or action alone is truly the solution to our problems, then there is no necessity for reason to exist.