May 31, 2007
Money. Is it very important?
This is the question that many would ask, including those who are in the working force. Well, we cannot escape from the harsh reality that money is indeed the object of everybody's desires and goals.
And my opinion? Yes, it is very important. Not in a material sense, that is.
I want to find a job that pays me well. That is my frist priority. Of course, that job has had to contain my passion and lifetime interest. Many people have commented that money and passion do not co-exist. Tonight, I've come to unveil this myth and reveal it's coexistence.
Firstly, I want to talk about money. It is the tool that is a determinant of our ultimate survival and success in this world of rat-race and timeless competitions. It is hence very important that we manage our finances and be a steward to our own riches, no matter how rich or not so rich we are. Money is a powerful tool, which can be used to do great and mighty things, and sometimes, corrupt and evil deeds.
In times like this, should we blame money for all the calamities, chaos and break-downs of relationships due to bribery, corruption and evil deeds? No. The seed of evil lies not in what we have, but in our hearts and attitude we carry within us. Money is a non-living item that is man-made just as currency is organized. It is systemized in a way that brings fairness in trade and cooperation among people living in this world. Hence, it's intention is meant for goodness and is just. However, the root of it lies in the seed sown within the hearts of men. Our hearts must be guarded from greed otherwise, there would be corruption, bribes, and robberies. Worse, if one's heart plots evil, then the money in that person's hands would be used for evil deeds.
What can we get from these examples? Money in the hands of the good, will be utilized for a good cause. Money in the hands of the evil ones, will be utilized only to seek destruction. In short, the money we possess takes on our own personality. So what we spend or invest it on reflects upon our own character.
Secondly, I want to discuss about passion. Passion is the driving force that keeps us freshly awake every morning. It keeps the fire burning within us whenever we are engaged in something (which is obviously what we are interested in). Passion is a force we possess that reaches far beyond love. It binds us to something that we long for or desire to have or to be engaging in. With passion, one would be able to undergo many challenging obstacles without feeling a sense of discouragement even in times of failure. One would be willing to go an extra mile for the sake of that vision or dream (it could be a person too). If one has a passion for a job position, nothing in this world can stop that person from achieving the dream.
Finally, I have a question to ask all of you. How big is your dream? If it is a small dream, it is NOT a dream. How great is your passion? If your passion is about earning more money, it is greed, not passion. However, if earning money is your priority, then your passion must be within that big dream which you possess. That big dream should be able to provide you with both your interest and big bucks. If not, it is not a big dream. Big dreams come with great passion and brings prosperity to the body and the soul.
Sure it is possible to find a well paying job, but you may not enjoy working due to the lack of interest or just doesn't fit well at all (you don't have what it takes). Sure it is possible to find a job you enjoy doing, but it may not be paying you well, which is a threat to your survival. What then? How can we strike a balance between money and passion?
The answer is very simple. Your attitude.
Many people think that having a good attitude applies only in approaching others in our work place, in our studies or even in our families. Many think that the attitude must be right when we attend church, when we do things, and even in our daily lifestyle. But what they fail to realise is that we must have a right attitude in the approach to our dreams and desires.
If our goals are corrupt, we would be corrupt. If our goals are too small or simple, then there would be an imbalance between the two factors mentioned above. Thus, in order to balance the equation, you need to have the right attitude towards the subject (area of interest) you want to pursue. Pursue an interest that pays you well. If you want to be an artist, don't be a starving artist. Be an artist who works for a large organization. If you want to be a nurse, be a nurse who works in a well-known hospital that pays well. If you want to be a chef, don't be a street-vendor. Be a cook for a grand restaurant in a five-star hotel.
Every job has its distinct characteristics. Each of them is unique in many different ways. However, a job is not just a job, but a vocation that is determined by how passionate you are in expanding your capabilities for a better position in society. Again, I shall say, if you are passionate in clearing rubbish, don't be a cleaner. Be the one who is managing the clearance of rubbish in some rubbish-collecting company (or whatever the name of that company is).
Our attitude can be moulded and shaped only by the decisions we make. Start developing a passion for a job position, not just a job title. That, will in turn balance the equation for you.
May 30, 2007
A very fruitful day I had together with my darling. We went to the movies again! And this time, we watched Pirates of the Carribean. Really a good show I must say. Unfortunately, my darling didn't catch the previous sequel, which was a great show. Well, she doesn't know much of the entire adventure. However, we enjoyed ourselves today, even though we can't view the stars 'coz it was bright.. and the clouds were all over the sky. Argh...
What was your ambition when you were a kid? Put it simply: As a kid back then, what have you thought about becoming when you grow up?
Many of us have childhood ambitions that gradually fade away with the currents of our own history. Some of us have realistic ambitions of becoming a pilot, a doctor, a sailor, a policeman... while some of us have unrealistic ambitions of becoming superman, spiderman or some tom dick or harry...
The truth and this very sad truth lies with the fact that very and extremely few of us live to see our childhood ambitions come to pass. Was it because we grew older? Not really. Was it because we grew more realistic in our mentality? Not quite. Was it because we gave up? Perhaps. Or was it because of the people around us? Certainly.. I guess this might be the sole reason.
We can escape from ourselves into a world of fantasy. We can escape our jobs into a world of unemployment. We can escape our duty and become an irresponsible person altogether. But we can never escape from people.. and everywhere we go, we meet people of different agendas, motives, color, sizes and you name it. People around us are the ones that we cannot escape from, and we could never do that because we are solely interdependent on one another for aid and resources. No man's an island.
When I was a child, I have MANY dreams. Once, during my first grade, I dreamed of becoming a pilot. And when my english teacher, Mrs. Jenny Leong (I could still rememeber her name!), asked the class about our own ambition, I raised my hands with excitement. I told her I wanted to be a pilot. She was shocked.. as though I couldn't make it to become one, she told me this, "A pilot?! Then you must study harder!" Well, how doesn't this sound? Pretty biased isn't it? As if I couldn't make it. As a child, I do not know the meaning of perseverence, only obedience. And if I was told that the path I chose to become was wrong, then I would agree to it and change my ambition, which was what I did. I did not feel discouraged at all, just that I lost my direction as a child.
There was another time I wanted to be an artist. I drew lots of "Street Fighter" cartoon characters and they all look so great. And even my cousins and friends were amazed when they saw my sketches back then. I love drawing, I love painting and most of all.. I LOVE ART LESSONS. My teachers even complained to my parents about me drawing in class and having so much passion to draw and paint. So shallow were their mindset, I did not know they were suffering from a disease called "stinking thinking". They all urged me to go into the science stream, which THEY thought has a better prospect and a brighter future. The teachers showered me with remedials and punished me whenever I did not bring my study materials due to my absent-mindedness. My parents, threw me into tuition classes after tuition classes and cooped me up at home all day just so that I could study. So study study study... and this has always been my life as a kid.
Is going to the science stream so bloody important? I wasn't a science student. Not until now, when I'm a major in Psychology. Although it's social science, but hey, we're dealing with mental illness here. So the problem with most people is that they tend to perceive things in a very shallow light. The reason why I stopped drawing and painting altogether, was because my parents and teachers thought that by being an artist, I could go nowhere. Well, look at the esplanade today. Isn't this building the work of the arts? Isn't this building a place for artists to groom themselves and sharpen their skills, maxmizing their potentials by making full use of what they have? THEIR TALENTS!!! If we don't see the prospect of a course offered in any instituition here in Singapore, then perhaps we could all think twice.
Today, my darling mentioned a very important point that I should take note. It doesn't mean that being in ITE or Shartec is deemed useless, or redundant by the society... just like how the mainstream society views them. I think this is shallow and totally "elitist" in my opinion. Well, I had a taste of both sides of the world.
When I was with squidy, things were different then. She was from Victoria Junior College and currently, an undergraduate of the Singapore Management University (SMU). As you can see, this 4-As ex-girlfriend does have a bright future in front of her. But when I was with her, what seemed to be the difference, was that her mentality is different than those of the lower academic streams. That includes the way she talks; walks; and even behaves. This is really disgusting but it's a real fact. Elites! We could all label them as stuck up, arrogant, egomaniacs... or whatever... On the other hand, when I took a look at Sean, Elaine, my darling, my friends who were not from prestigous schools like my ex-gf, I felt different. I felt as though as there were peace and humility going on within them. I felt like hanging out with them often, because they are easy to get along and not very pushy or bossy. Very nice bunch of people indeed.
Well, the reason for she leaving me was not the issue here but it wasn't a reason at all. In fact, it showed me how uncommitted she was to me and what a failure she is as a lover. Well, all I can say is that one needs to have EQs and PQs as well as IQs at the same time. Not just one of them, mind you.
The whole point of my argument is not that we should segregate ourselves from the elites or, if you are one of them, isolate yourselves of the non-elites. My point of argument lies in the way we should perceive people who are deemed unfavourable or less valuable by the mainstream society. It is the facade that either the government or any institution had made that seemed so real to the public, and this, is the veil that covers their sheepish eyes, as many fail to look into the bulk of the ice-berg. Thus, we should adopt a mindset that not only discerns well but to distinguish the difference between genuinity and superficiality.
Again, I shall say, that not all who began strong will be the ultimate victor, and not all who began weak will phase out and fade away with history. The last shall be the first, and the first, last. Hence, there should never be any discrimination over academic performances or streams, but there OUGHT TO BE a vision inside EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US. All we need to do, is to follow our hearts and let our passion lead us into success. How do we know that we are passionate for something? There are a few signs...
When I am passionate about being a counselling psychologist (Romance area): -
#1 I felt the fire burning within me each day I wake up and whenever I go for my psychology lectures.
#2 I pay attention to my lecturer even though she's not very interesting.
#3 I ask questions after questions about psychology.
#4 I read books on psychology topics.
#5 I apply what I study or learned in my everyday life and interaction with people who are close to me.
#6 I keep improving myself and my grades so that I could do well in this subject.
#7 I start becoming a listening ear to my friends and darling.
#8 I became interested in taking up volunteery jobs that has to do with counselling couples.
Those are few signs that you are interested in doing something. And this shows that you are free to move into the area of interest and start building foundation in order to succeed with this fire and desire to become the best "whatever-you-wanna-be".
And yes, it's all hard work. Let's be realistic. Passion + Hardwork + Attitude = Success
But before I conclude, the way we perceive others reflects upon the way we would perceive ourselves. If we ever despise anybody who's labelled as 'lesser' in the society, then whenever we are not doing well, we would tend to despise ourselves too. When can elites learn? Should they learn the hard way? Or the shameful way of losing to the crowd? Perhaps, if we were not individuals in any individual's shoes, we would never know what anyone of us are thinking or feeling. It is good to know.
Knowledge is the beginning of wisdom, but ignorance only leads to destruction.I believe, we can make the society a more pleasant one to live in, if we change our superficial mindset.
May 28, 2007
Could it be the changes in the weather that is affecting my health these days? The humidity and the warm stale air spell curses from everyone's mouth. The perspirant from everyone's pores are so evident but yet nothing could be done to prevent the scorching sun from tormenting our bodies.
Living in Singapore is not a luxury. Not at all. The first taboo is the weather. Forget about those
ang mos (caucasian tourists).. they are just here to get the sun for I-don't-know-what-reason. But touring Singapore would be the more fun thing than to live here. I'm sure many of my brethrens would agree with me. It's good to be in a place like this, but not for very long time.
The second taboo has got to be the lack of space. This lack of space causes the unquenchable thirst or lust for power, prestige, status, or even merely.. employment. The way that many people were judged superficially instead of what they have or possess disgusts me. I wish people here were less superficial.
Then again, there's alway been an atmosphere of 'white fetishtism' circulating like dark clouds over this island. Adding to the worse, the 'foreign fetishtism' is beginning to make its appearance in the local current affairs. This doesn't mean that the locals suck to the core. This means that there is a declining birth rates and the rate of marriages. Divorses are on the rise, which makes things even worse. I can't justify with enough statistics though.. it may make sense to some, but for those who want the prove, go search the Net.
This is time when I felt like I have nothing more to write. I'm sick. I'm on medication. I'm drousy coz of the effect of the medication. I wish I could just stay fit like before. Argh...
It's this sucky weather in this miserable island that is making my sick. O' how I wish I'm in Siberia now... it's cold, it's icy, it's relaxing...
Mmm... cooked reindeer meat and horse milk... barbarqued goat's tenderloin and freshly harvested rice in my mouth. Yummy... Love the warmth of a cottage, and the gentle ray of the sun that never rise above anyone's head. I love this place. But... this is only in my fantasy.
On the Swirve Personality Test, I am an Architect. My Characteristics Chart:
| Extroverted | | Introverted | Sensitive | | Intuitive | Judgemental | | Perceptive | Thinker | | Feeler |
Take the Test yourself! |
About Architects...
"Question Everything." If that isn't already your motto, you might want to consider adopting it. As an Architect, you excel at analyzing situations and understanding things. You have a tendency to focus on the here and now -- the world is yours to mold as you wish. You love to design and redesign and redesign yet again. It's truly fun for you, which makes the rest of us vomit.
As a relatively bright person, hypocrisy and ignorance annoy you. You consider yourself reasonable, and when idiots make silly statements, it just pisses you off. You should calm down a bit, or you might say something very rude. Funny to the rest of us, the target of your attack may not be thrilled. Then again, who cares what the idiots think?!
In the end, the world is what you make of it. Your personality can be an acquired taste for some, and first impressions make not be your strong point. But if someone can speak to you reasonably and keep you in reality, they might get to know the incredible person within.Possible Careers: City Planner, Mathematician, Scientist
Our resident Swirvologist, Lisa, also has her own opinions of Architects...
You like to think of logical, yet original, ideas. Disney probably wishes you were around during the EuroDisney meetings. Don't get on that high horse just yet though, because you get excited about theories. Whoo-hoo!! That'll help you out with the opposite sex. People are just dying to discuss theories on a Friday night.
Add that to the fact that it's taken you 15 years just to get up the nerve to talk to other humans makes you a real winner. I'd get that cat right about now -- you're going to need the company.Possible Career: X-Files FBI Agent Extraordinare
Mi? Scientist? hmm...
May 26, 2007
I felt like an idiot today after losing my mp3 by misplacing it in the toilet. Argh!!! I got so upset with myself and it's the first time I struggled with the fact of even forgiving myself. So, in order to make myself feel at ease, I went to get another new mp3 from Creative. This time, there's no FM function installed but it's 1GB, four times the size of my previous mp3. Great.. I felt better but I spend about 55 bucks on this new one, which is a bomb to me... adding to the fact that I have 121 bucks left for the month till next. How to survive sia? Haiz...
Anyway... I'm kinda sick now. Having flu, cough.. and have been on TCM medication ever since. I know it takes a little slow to feel the effect of recovery, but then I'll definitely recover.
The worst thing about being sick is that I can't even taste my own food due to my runny nose. This is bad enough. I had lunch with my parent after school today at Waraku Japanese Restaurant at Clark Quay, and boy, the food looks great but the taste wise isn't very obvious for me. I CAN'T TASTE MUCH OF WHAT I WAS EATING!!!
I had Fish & Co. for dinner just now with my darling and my entire cell group. It was quite a good evening throughout our fellowship, but still, I can't taste my food well. Kinda sad actually. Where have all the prayers gone? Or have I been lazy to even pray to God? Haiz... all these laziness bugs... argh..!!
And manz, I'm getting more tired by the day. Am I collapsing? Or on the verge of collapsing? I don't know.. I hope history would not repeat itself.. but I will trust God's promise to me three years ago that history would not repeat itself ever again.
Anyway... good night peepz!
Love u Lord, love u dar dar.. love everybody.
May 24, 2007
Now this.. is the reason why some doctors make a lot of money. Seriousness aside, let's check this out: -
A man wanted to get married. He was having trouble choosing among three likely candidates. He gives each woman a present of $5,000 and watches to see what they do with the money.
The first does a total make over. She goes to a fancy beauty salon gets her hair done, new make up and buys several new outfits and dresses up very nicely for the man. She tells him that she has done this to be more attractive for him because she loves him so much. The man was impressed.
The second goes shopping to buy the man gifts. She gets him a new set of golf clubs, some new gizmos for his computer, and some expensive clothes. As she presents these gifts, she tells him that she has spent all the money on him because she loves him so much. Again, the man is impressed.
The third invests the money in the stock market. She earns several times the $5,000. She gives him back his $5000 and reinvests the remainder in a joint account. She tells him that she wants to save for their future because she loves him so much. Obviously, the man was impressed.
The man thought for a long time about what each woman had done with the money he'd given her.
Then, he married the one with the biggest boobs.
May 19, 2007
Forgiveness is the virtue of the strong. If Mohatma Gandhi was alive today, he'll probably be the one throwing me with such reminders. I am forgiving by nature, that much is true. However, more serious offenses against me are harder to overlook. In addition, my temper problem usually makes it worse.
We are not at all perfect. And we all have our own styles of reaction when faced with different situations. For me, I still find it hard to deal with my anger problems, though I don't really show it when I'm in front of others. In fact, when I'm super pissed, I would act like nothing has happen and when no one's looking, it could get really bad, especially when I'm all alone by myself. Violence.. shouts.. curses.. you name it. Why is that so? Because I don't want others to get a wrong impression on me. It's really crazy to imagine someone shouting away like a mad cow in the corner, when one could just choose to be alone and vent his/her anger by him/herself. That's what I'd do to let off my steam. After cooling off, I'd be back to normal and "sane" mode, and will be all set to talk in a friendly manner again.
So guyz.. not to worry when I'm angry. It's just ME and it's MY problem altogether. Moreover, shouting, screaming, hitting, breaking and throwing things alone by myself is one of my style to releasing my hurt. Another would be blogging and this is when I've finally cooled down.
It hard to forgive. And it takes a lot of courage, strength and will to forgive. To forgive alone is hard.. what more is forgetting? Among all commandments in the Holy Bible, the hardest thing for me is not to love others the way I love myself.. but to forgive others and forget their sins against me. I'm still trying to be more
magnanimous though...
Anyway, no church is perfect. I was telling Alystine today about how some church leaders may unconsciously abuse their powers thinking they had it altogether than their congregation. This is sadly, true for some charismatic churches. However, we are living in a broken-down world where we do not base our faith upon men's opinion about us, nor are our values determined by what we do, what we eat or where we live. It is who are are that ought to be appreciated.
We all know that God appreciates us.. but are we willing to appreciate ourselves and one another as well? I find it rather hard to get along with some people who thought I am stuck up or arrogant just because I don't smile that often. Not like I'm trying to act cool or something, but I see no sense of smiling every minute and second for it will make me look clowny. I'm alright actually. Happiness is shown in the state of being, not on the face. Bear this in mind!
We are the judges of superegos and managers of egos but a complete idiot towards the id. In another words, we are so occupied in determining our morality or conscience and cultivating our self-control or behaviors that we forget everything about the condition of our heart and mind... perhaps 10% of understanding the id is good enough.
Psychology aside, it's rather a great service today. I felt tired for the whole week sloggin' for my assignments and indirectly getting involved in some stupid work politics. I got myself frustrated, angry and insane. But thank God for Saturdays, when I can unwind myself, not just by listening to encouraging sermons in church but to hang out with friends who are my brothers and sisters-in-christ. They are slightly different from my ordinary friends as they are more concern about my wellbeing and how I'm doing in my life. It's the connection that I felt a sense of belonging. It's part of a reason why I go to church. It's part of a reason why I chose to stay, rooted and planted into the house of God, because I still see the importance of interdependence between friends who will be there to spice up my Saturday nights.
Darling, I want you to know that I really appreciate what you've done for me all these while. I may not say this as much but it doesn't mean I love you any lesser. I've never asked for you to find solutions to my problems, nor anything larger than that to fix the problems I'm facing. But rather, it's the little things you do that makes me fall deeper in love with you. And I felt really blessed that you've become part of my life. Thank you dear.. for everything.
May 17, 2007
May 15, 2007
Finally.. I managed to get the time to blog.
Recently, the pace of life has quickened and to my astonishment, five months have passed since the dawn of the New Year. I felt like I've just scraped through the first half of this year with bad semester catching up with the flaws of my health.
I'm having cough for these few months, which are infamously known for the harsh weather in SuCkY Singapore... and believe me, no one likes the weather here, except the tourists. Well, one word of wisdom for you tourists: Stay here longer and you'll miss your cold cottages!
I wish I could be in the coldest of the coldest countries in the world. Antarctica would the best place! But, there's nothing there except penguins. So I'm left with the choice of Siberia. HAHAHA... though you tourists may say the same thing back to me, I would disagree in my perspective as I love love LOVE LURRRRRRRRRRVE cold, icy, dead and snowy weather. I'd rather freeze in the winter, than to be the fire in the frying pan! I'm just too hot for this hot weather. Besides, it's gonna kill me more if there's an increase of just 1 degree Celsius.
Anyway, this week will be a little bit of hell for me as my journalism essay is due this friday. Holy manna... and I've not started structuring it yet. Well done brother Tom. And tomorrow will be D-day for me in completing much of my scheduled task at hand.
Work has been pretty good. In fact, we're all almost done with the gathering of datas. And all that's left are just checking and minimal withdrawing of cases. Ya ya ya... jargons. Do they scare you? Nah... this blog is mine so it's too bad if you guyz can't really get what I'm saying. I gotta write in codes sometimes, 'cos some people out there just love to flame me for some
stupid things I wrote. Well, I'm getting the hang of it now.
And what's better... I've learned about the recent findings of Nostradamous' predictions. And holy manna, he wrote in codes too! And according to him, World War III will start this year and end in 2012. God knows when the war is starting.. I hope it wouldn't involve so many people. I don't wanna die yet. There're so much I wanna do, so much I wanna contribute to the society.. and there's so much to do with my
honey. Don't wanna lose her. Don't wanna leave her either.
Jeez.. if his prediction comes true, I'd rather get married first before anything ever happens to my life. I don't care about the money... when war comes, there's no money talk anymore. People will be killing one another. It sucks when you DIE without even getting hitched. It sucks when you DIE without even feeling the warmth of a woman's bosoms. YEA... it does. And I'd rather die a husband than a single man who hasn't made much contribution just because he is still an undergraduate!!! ARGH....!
It's not that I totally subscribe to Nostradamous' prophesies, but rather, just preparing myself for them. If it is true, like any other events that came true predicted in his writings, then I would do something about it.
Gosh... thought too much craps. Anyway, I've got nothing better to do last weekend in school for psychology lesson that I started taking pictures of myself. ONLY 4 of us turned up for that lesson. How pathetic! But then, I got to learn lots of things and got lots of tips. Too bad for the rest.
And OH!!! I've bought a new jacket for myself!!! YAY!!! I'm just so happy to have finally gotten what I've been searching for! I'll get more pictures of me in that soon.
Alright, gotta ~ciao..
bba (be back again)
May 13, 2007
Sometimes, I wish TMC would have Monash's pure Psychology course and everything about that course would be on Psychology. I now realized that I yet to master the art of writing. It doesn't mean I'm weak in this area, but I'm lacking in the flow of my thoughts. I have disorganized thoughts - too many to write; too little knowledge of putting it into words. And if others can have verbal diarrhea, I would have psychic diarrhea. I'm a thinker, but more towards the analytical side. I like to study the thoughts of individuals, both the conscious and the unconscious, which is why I'm such a pro-psychoanalyst, or rather, pro-analytical psychology.
Anyway... I've just got back my assignments: -
PsychologyRDA 1: 9.3/10 (HD)
Psy2031 1: 8/10 (HD)
Journalism MinorHard News 1: 15/20 (D)
I'm so blessed that I could come this far even those this semester was pretty bad for me. I am really busy with so many commitments - work, study, friends, relationship, church and private time by myself. But thank God, who has been really good to me all these while. Because of His grace, and his love, together with my darling's support and encouragements, I am able to come this far. I hope that I would also do well for the coming examinations.
Well! It's time to give myself a little treat by resting for a day before starting my preparation for the next few assignments.
Well done Prince Frederick! You've made the Empire proud! Her people are of Superior Blood of course.
May 09, 2007
At last! I've finished my Sociology essay and am preparing to complete my Journalism assignment. Suddenly, I just felt compelled to blog. It seems that these days while I was busy slaving on my essay, shocking news seem to arrive from afar. Well, not afar, just something that seems near but yet distant as I've not engaged into such thing like reading the newspaper. Yea.. I'm SOOOOOooooo stressed out!
But thank God! HAHAHA.. I'm not alone. The students sitting or their O'Levels this year are going to sit for their O'level exam a week earlier than what it used to be. *EVIL CHUCKLE* Just one week though... doesn't make any difference to me. If I'm a secondary school student right now, I'd stop whining. In my perspective, one week isn't a lot of time to get a hold of all the knowledge from every subject that a person study for that whole year. Knowledge cannot sip into one's brain through Osmosis. It takes a while longer to learn, relearn, read and reread, in order to gain the knowledge of any subjects. That is why it is SO bloody important to start studying on the first day of school, unless you're a play-cum-As student.
I don't care, I'm writing on this one for my Journalism assignment. This will make a good News Story. All I need is just interviews with some students and teachers. YUP!! That will be it!!! WHAHAHA.. I can interview my dar dar too.
Here are some of the comments written by some people from STOMP who whined a little about the early commencement date of the O'Level examination: -
Everything changes every year for our education system i wonder if the MOE does spare a thought if students will be able to cope or not ... Shifting Prelims and O's earlier might only mean one thing : Students have lesser time to prepare and ending up , all revision and extra classes done in school are undergoing " bullet train mode .If i not wrong O lvl start early means results take early n then holyday early finish?Means holidays lesser?If like tat means its so unfair...I long waited my looong hols to come n it's coming tis yr... Hope have more hols...for those taking 'O' levels this year, important question: IS OUR PRELIMS STILL USED AS A TOOL FOR GETTING INTO FIRST THREE MONTHS OR WILL IT BE USELESS ONLY IN 2009?Lol.. I have to disagree a bit about the decision making without public consent. Singaporeans are strange; they turn small things into big things by complaining until MOE does something about it.HOHOHO... alright.. gotta go complete my assignment and get a long weekend break as my reward.
WOO HOO!!! And my dad has given me the green light to buy my beloved jacket from Jean Perrie. Gonna get it once I'm done with my news story.
TATA peepz!
You Should Spend Your Summer in Europe |
You're in to almost all forms of culture - art, music, architecture, food... And spending a summer at the beach sounds pretty darn boring to you. So head off to Europe, where you can have your tiramisu (and even eat it on the beach!) |
May 04, 2007
I just did a questionnaire on how long more have I got to live. Well, the following is my current report of my own life expectancy: -
Click on the thumbnail to enlarge.You can try this quiz
here.The more I look at it.. the more lame it becomes.
Alright, my life expectancy is only up till 78.36 years old, based on the factors asked during the questionnaire. So I calculated my exact life expectancy which I shall live. And here you go.. I'm suppose to live up to 78 yrs, 4 months, 1 week, 1 day, 23 hrs, 2 mins and 24 secs. This means, that I'll be dead in the year 2062, September 13th, 1550hrs and 39 seconds. Eew... spooky. But it's definitely a long way to go.
But then, it's not up to me or anyone to determine or calculate how long I'm suppose to live up till. The rest of my life depends on how I live, how the force of society and social conditions shape my life expectancy.
Alright, I'm off to structure my essay... =.=
May 03, 2007
I'm wrecking my head now for two pathetic assignments - Journalism and Sociology.
ARGH!!! It's the problem of me not having any idea of where to start for my Sociology essay. It sucks when you have writer's block or disorganized
brain-vision. The latter term I coined in reference to a brain filled with stuffs that we are supposed to have. And they are suppose to be there when I need some expressions of ideas into words. Writing is not easy. It is NEVER easy. And I'm having difficulty developing this little talent of mine, though, when compared with others, it's not really a talent. What is talent to you?
I feel that I always get stuck in writing introductions to any essay question presented to me. Although I know I should write the body first before jumping back to writing the head, it's rather hard to get use to such writing habit because without the head, I feel there's nothing for me to write about or continue. I'm frustrated with the way I am - handicapped by such writing style of mine. How do I write better essays? You tell me... I'm lost in this.
Have I lost the gift even tough I try to blog properly? Or was I not serious enough in my assignments? I don't think so. It's the difficulty in writing that sucks to the core!
Another headache - Journalism. The assignment would be easier if not for the interviews we all have to stage. I felt tempted to do an unethical move whereby I'd just fake the transcript and hand it in as if it's real. Anyway, it's a fake interview I did with absolutely nobody.. who cares? And Singaporeans.. argh!! They are so particular about what comes out of their gold-laden mouth as if a one-on-one interview is so hard to give. I think I should go interview myself instead. Haiz... STUPID Monash.. giving all these crap criteria. I shall suggest a different approach when the "evaluation of units" arrive in my electronic letter-box.
It's my first time hating writing. I'm shocked of course. Could it be that my purpose has changed? Could it be that it's time for me to take up another interest? Could it be that it's time for me to focus on other areas of the talents I have?
If yes, I might consider singing.. or maybe.. going to the gym to beef myself up and go be a model.. or maybe.. be someone who sells interesting blog templates online (like what SKIN shop is doing, I can do it in the blogger's way).
Of course, there are many things I can do and be a master of them.. but I'll not forgo my dream of becoming a counseling psychologist who works on personality and self-development of the clients. God, help me. Please guide me the way to achieve my dream. I really really REALLY desire for it. MUCH MUCH MORE THAN ANYTHING ON EARTH!!! If I lose my vision and career's goal, there's nothing more I can ever lose because I'd be left with nothing.
May 01, 2007
Labour's Day!!!
No work. No money. HAHA.. and I'm living off a low budget these days. Now, I'm basically waiting for my next pay day to come before getting the cash to buy the things I've always wanted to get.
It's funny how quickly time has passed since the start of my semester. And now, I'm getting closer to the exams, which is commencing in the middle of next month. Here I am, slogging hard for my essays and other assignments.. make me feel as if I've lost my life. But then, thank God, I still have the time for breaks otherwise I'll most probably break down.
Yesterday, during my lesson break, I chanced upon what may seem to be a bother to me. It's none other than those photos Squidy and I took when we were together. I recalled those good old days we spent with each other thinking how nice it would be if time were to freeze at that very moment. But time waits for no man. Time flies without anyone's prohibition. And when we parted our own ways, the values that these photos I carry around no longer hold any significance. I once hoped that we could get back together, but my hopes were dashed. I too hoped that we could still remain as good friends like the way we used to be before, but I was disillusioned. The turning point for my decision to move on was when I lost the leather bag Squidy gave me as a Christmas present. That's when I knew that our chance of meeting each other is going to be close to null. That's when I knew that moving on is the best option that I must take to relive my life to its fullest. The reason I kept those photos till this day was that sadly, I admired the way I look in those pictures, my old style of presenting myself.. my old me. And those precious times that got me all so happy.
But yesterday, I realized that I must look forward to a better future with Jasmine. I realized that I must cast aside my entire past in order to move into the future where my dreams and visions are. I must cast aside all nostalgia in order to create new memories and better moments with my current girlfriend. God woke me up from those nostalgic moments as I was taking my lesson break. That break I took was the most encouraging point in time I ever had. I thank God for guiding me the right way to do the right things at the right time, because I'm the sheep and He is the shepherd. I actually remembered what I wrote in one of my past entries that
"change is a process, so it's essential to ask God for guidance because as sheep, we may lose our way".
And bingo, God just guided me to what I should do currently. Not just to focus on my studies, but also, to move to a higher level of spiritual maturity and develop good relationships with the people around me.. this includes further strengthening my relationship with Jasmine.
I thank You for Jasmine whom You've placed in life. She has been such an understanding girlfriend, which really encouraged me to do much better than what I usually am. With her and with You, I'd go the extra mile, to do the best I can in the areas of my studies, relationships, and character development. As such, I need lots and lots of prayers from you guyz and lots and lots of encouragement from you guys too.
I just wanna let you know that no matter what happens, my love for you will not change. Thanks for all that you've done in my life - the sunshine you've brought into my life; the encouragement you've given to me all these while; the times you've sacrificed to be there for me. Truly, you are awesome!
And I got the same result as yours dear! ^^ hehe..
Your Love Style is Agape |
You are a caring, kind, and selfless partner. Unsurprisingly, your love style is the most rare. You are willing to sacrfice your world for your sweetie. Except it doesn't really feel like sacrifice to you. For you, nothing feels better than giving to the one you love. |
Alright, time for me to go read through my journal articles in preparation for my essay writing.