April 30, 2007
I just did a questionnaire on my attachment style. In my Psychology lesson, I was taught about the various attachment styles that each individual possess. Attachments are formed way from the beginning since infancy. The relationship between parents and their children is very important. Their relationship will determine how that child would relate to others when he/she grows up. This questionnaire is designed to measure one's attachment style - the way one relate to others in the context of intimate relationships.
According to attachment theory and research, there are two fundamental ways in which people differ from one another in the way they think about relationships. First, some people are more anxious than others. People who are high in attachment-related anxiety tend to worry about whether their partners really love them and often fear rejection. People low on this dimension are much less worried about such matters. Second, some people are more avoidant that others. People who are high in attachment-related avoidance are less comfortable depending on others and opening up to others (
Here is my score:
According to your questionnaire responses, your attachment-related anxiety score is 3.00, on a scale ranging from 1 (low anxiety) to 7 (high anxiety). Your attachment-related avoidance score is 1.73, on a scale ranging from 1 (low avoidance) to 7 (high avoidance).
We have plotted your two scores in the two-dimensional space defined by attachment-related anxiety and avoidance. Your approximate position in this space is denoted by the blue dot. (Note: If you left any of the questions unanswered, then these scores will be inaccurate.)

Click thumbnail to open a larger image.
Click here to take the test.
The double date yesterday was really enjoyable. Sean, Elaine, Jasmine and I had great time at the outing together. Not just as couples, but fellowshipping as part of the body of Christ too. We went to New York New York for dinner and that Giant Yankee got us all filled and merry. With those couple around, outings have always been great. They're the louder and humorous ones that will get us all interacted and perked up while we're having long days at work or in school.
My cell group need people like Sean to integrate the people in the cell group such that more of us would get acquainted to one another easily. I can't do that, because I have a different style and approach towards others. There are things that Sean and some of my others friends can do, which I cannot do. That's because we all have different talents and abilities. Don't blame us, don't blame God. It's He who gave us abilities to unite and stay strong together.
Instead of staging wars and fighting one another, this world should be at peace and harmony. People ought to be sensitive to one another. However, it's harder to be done as there are laws to follow as well. People who practise homosexuality is having a "unique" mindset which is totally controversial to the truth that might potentially hurt them. I tend to be biased towards these people in a sense that I don't really feel comfortable talking to them. The way that they make me feel so weird that I'm talking to some weirdos. It's just the way it is. I don't mind being acquainted to them, but their lifestyle is unacceptable in my opinion. And never for once will I ever become like them, because thank God, I have the knowledge of the Truth and upholding the standard of my values and principles. It's sad to be brought up having to think that you are the opposite sex or perhaps, having caregivers who constantly whisper lies into them saying that they are homosexuals, or maybe, having being sexually abused by someone or rejected by others.
You see, the patterns are all the same. It's a vicious cycle. When your ears are unclean, you hear only lies. And lies deceive. Only the Truth shall set you free, when you are filled with the spirit of discernment.
That was why when Sean asked me if I would like to meet one of his friends who is a she-male, I felt uncomfortable all of a sudden as I just couldn't bear the thought that a man would be so girly and totally transformed into something opposite of who he was. I'm sorry but I have to reject the offer. God gave man the authority to rule the world, to be the head of the household, to take up great responsibilities and to be fruitful in all that is given to him. Why would somebody who was given such authority, choose to abandon it for something he wasn't supposed to have in the first place? Is it because of comfort? Most likely. Most people cared more for their comfort zone than stepping out and be the man or woman that would do great things for society and for God.
For thy information, this issue is indeed sensitive. Did man made it sensitive? Yes. But still, the law forbids the act of open homosexual activity, which speaks so much about some Godly Truths. That's something I admire about Singapore's Law. It may sound a little conservative or strict, but it does have its purpose. Without God's laws, there would be no earthly laws.
Say all you like peepz, but God made only Adam and Eve; not Adam and Steve.
April 28, 2007
The morning was filled with sleepy bugs hovering around my head while I was struggling to pay close attention to the morning lecture. Fortunately, my genius mind can still work out the equations successfully and arrive with correct answers. Muhahaha.. So after talking to my dear during the lesson break, my mind got better. I felt awake. And a little message from her kept me awake and empowered to concentrate fully. Thanks dear. You never know just how much those little things you do actually make my day. You're the best!
Had lunch with my parents after school at noon at a Japanese restaurant. After which, we had an ice-cream feast at Hagan Daz. And the dish: FONDUE!!! Yummy! Melted chocolate with dippers like green apples, bananas, strawberries, cookies, choc sticks, flavored ice-cream cubes and some cakes in cube forms. The fondue is the main ingredient in this dish that you can't do without.. and it definitely tastes heavenly. I'm going back there again someday to try their ice-cream dishes when I'm free. Don't worry darling, once you're recovered from your cough, I'll treat you to Hagan Daz ice-cream. Must recover fast hor! Hehehe... wishing you a speedy recovery dear!
The sermon for this evening's service was VERY encouraging. To those who did not come or couldn't make it for this service, they've missed out a lot! And I mean a lot.
Rev. Dr. Robb Thompson shared 8 keys that one should uphold in order to set great standards for oneself. And the standards one should set, is regarding how one holds his/her principles and values, as well as declaring them publicly while people around them can positively testify. The term described is defined as one's
Rev. Dr. Thompson shared 8 key points about the standards we should set in our lives.
#1 No matter how difficult life may seem, we must never let our circumstances dictate our decisions. (Ruth 1:1-6)
We need to be firm in upholding our principles and keeping our values. We mustn't compromise them just because of a certain change in circumstances. It's the same thing in romantic relationships. I don't change my decision to love a person just because of certain negative things that are happening around us. Bad things always happen and there will always be bad times. But it is in spite of these bad times that I must tell myself EVEN MORE, that no matter what, my love for this person will not change and I shall not compromise this love because of some downs that are happening to us. Don't let what has happened or is happening to affect our decision as well as our long-term goals.
#2 You will either raise your standards to meet your expectations or lower your standards to match your performance. (Isaiah 59:19, Prov 23:6-8)
Setting high standards is equivalent to having a big dream. It's a good strategy to use in order to excel in the things we do. So, to achieve what we want to achieve in life, we should always aim far, aim high and set attainable, practical yet challenging goals for ourselves according to our passion. Your job is not just another job. Your job is a vocation. In fact every job is a vocation. It's a specialization of certain knowledge or skills. So, in order to excel in what you are doing, it would be better to give your best in the things you do, aim high, think ahead, plan well, and have a positive attitude towards your job, because what you are doing right now has a purpose in it. You'll have to find it out yourself.
#3 Only the irresponsible are willing to sacrifice the future in order to enjoy the present. (Ps11:3, Luke6:46-48)
This happens to politicians as well. Some are willing to sacrifice the future of their children in order to get themselves voted. Others, besides politicians, are willing to give up their relationships and friendships in exchange for positions they are eying on. However, the important thing is still: Do not let anyone sacrifice your future for their present. Initially, I thought this must be a message telling us not to get ourselves taken advantage of by anyone, which is also true. And we should stay away from people who are out to ruin our future plans while they get to enjoy what they have in their present, because of what they received.
#4 The portrait of your life is painted with the brush of your character. (Joseph's example - Gen 39:7-9, 41:37-42) (Judas' example - Matt26:14-16, 27:3-5)
Good character will give you a position in the society.
#5 You can never know a person by what they say; you meet them the moment you're willing to believe what they do. (James 2:14-18)
Again, it requires action in order for others to tell what kind of person we are. Sometimes what we speak have little influence over how people may judge us. Although our words may affect how we are judged, our actions are usually the ones which will either commend us or condemn us.
#6 The productivity of any relationship is dependent upon the standards it celebrates. (John 15:14, Ps119:79)
In short, every relationship has a criteria to fulfill. Here are the criteria we should set in order to let someone into our lives as FRIENDS.
My friends: -
a) Must be committed to a long-term relationship with me.
b) Must be moving towards a productive future.
c) Must be generous.
d) Must qualify to receive my seed.
e) Must celebrate character before friendship.
f) Must be willing to confront my enemies.
#7 There's nothing more dangerous than the moment you become a hostage to yesterday's comfort zone. (Phil 3:13-15, Rev 3:14-19)
Do not ever become comfortable with your past achievements. Complacency is the root of all declination. One shall not live in their past victories or let their past failures overtake them. Instead, I must have a vision and keep that vision. Because without it, I will go back to my past and moan what I've lost or have not done. So, step out in faith and trust in God, for He is willing to give you a vision and dream once you've chosen to walk out of your comfort zone and do what seem to be impossible.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Phil 4:13)
.#8 Whatever you refuse to conquer today will be next to impossible to conquer tomorrow. (Matt 5:29-30, 6:19-21, James 5:16)
When i first came across this pointer, one thing slipped into my mind - DO NOT PROCRASTINATE! Well, it does speaks some truth about that. However, this can also apply to overcoming
giants in your life. One example will be Young David in the bible. The philistine
giant was messing with the army Israel. He was big, tall and powerful, and no soldiers, not even King Saul dared to fight it. Each time they ran away, the
giant laughed even louder. As days went by, the
giant became more powerful and confident of his victory. Do not let this happen in your life. Young David, on the contrary, was courageous enough to talk to his enemy and confront the
giant by slaying it with just 5 stones and a sling. This story tells us that we should stand against those who try to take us down in a negative way. Those who have negative influence in our lives, and those who whispers lies and deceptions are people we should stand against, not avoid; not even be afraid of them. Rebuke our enemies before they even speak to us. Do not let the voices in your head talk to you, instead, learn to speak to yourself.
The devil is all out to deceive us into taking the wrong path in our lives. That evil creature will lure us into thinking that what we are doing is good, even though we are sinning unknowingly. Because of our God-given freewill to choose and make decisions, the devil will always be there to mess with our minds and make us conform to the teachings of the world. One simple excuse would be, "I do so, because everyone is doing it." This is a worldly thinking. A believe that doesn't renew the mind but instead, according to Social Psychology, it is the nature of conforming to others and shoving responsibilities to another individual. This is also defined as the "Diffusion of Responsibility". It is also a condition of being superficial or shallow.
The NKJV bible made a powerful statement in Romans 12:2 -
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.To simplify it, the New Living Translation gave a powerful interpretation of this verse:
Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect (Romans 12:2)
.Wonderful.. a sermon filled with great pointers and encouraging words. Yet, it stirs me up with revelations after revelations. It's really good and I thought sharing here would encourage my friends to become successful in life.
God bless!
April 25, 2007
Carrots. I hate carrots. Why? My darling would ask me. Because I hate the taste. Just hate the taste and the crunchiness of that vegetable. The feeling - It can't be described. I never knew hating something is a feeling that can't be described as well. LOLX.. but I certainly love carrot juice mixed together with apple or orange.. or both. When you mix apple and carrots, you get drinks like this:

And I thought this looks a bit like ABC 黄啤酒. HAHA.. crap.
Anyway, deciding where to go in Singapore is pretty limited in choices. There's not much one can do here.. play pool, bowling, arcade, shopping, slacking around, visiting bookshops, play sports, disco, karaoke... all of these I've already done before. What next??? Any good suggestions for me to try new stuffs?
My head is feeling dizzy now.. feel so sleepy. But I'm really happy. Met my darling today for a sumptuous dinner at Kenny Rogers. And here's my dish..

WAH..... yum!
Sometimes, a short sentence is all it takes to express your deepest desires to the person you love. I shall give this a try now...
Darling, these days I'm happiest when I'm with you. Really.
April 24, 2007
Busy day today. And I've yet to finish my RDA assignment. *editted* And I won't get to see my darling today 'cos I guess she must have been tired. It's alright dear..
Haiz... guess I won't be meeting up my dear for a date tomorrow. And she's busy too. Kinda miss her though. Felt disappointed that I couldn't meet her due to our busy schedules. But I have to be understanding. I have to. I need to.
Somehow.. I just got a reminder from within that I need to be strong as an individual. It doesn't mean that I'm weak. It's just a reminder for me to stay emotionally strong and steady, especially when I'm in a relationship. It's not easy maintain one although it doesn't really make any difference finding one as well. Nevertheless, I do not count on my own strength to paint this relationship rainbow with colors, but God is with me. And He will make all things beautiful in its time. Darling, I want to let you know that I'm not angry with you, nor disappointed with you. I just miss seeing you and I hope we can meet up soon when we are both free. I love you too. And there's absolutely nothing that can change my decision about you. You are indeed someone special in my life. No matter what, I'll still stand by you whenever you call on me.
4 more days before my service commence for the weekend. And it's gonna be none other than Rob Thompson. The message is going to be encouraging and powerful enough to impact many lives I believe. All these talks about destiny, purposes, and success not just glorify God in different ways but build us up into wonderful people who can take the society by storm! We are striving more and more to become capable beings not just for ourselves or for our spouse, but for God Almighty. He is King and He is the Ruler of the Heavens and the earth. HAHAHA.. AMEN to that!
3 more days before Sean would ring me up after my work for some brotherly chat as usual. HAHA.. can't ever miss times like this. A time with friends is really precious cos we're all busy with our own stuffs and God knows how much time we can be able to be there for our friends, not mentioning girlfriends or boyfriends. But it's good be there for anyone within your circle of trust.
2 more days before I had to hand in my RDA assignment. And today I've got to go finish it once and for all using SPSS. Cos the software only available in school. Some friend of mine told me to download the trial version, which I was quite skeptical about its usefulness since I can't use it for long. Moreover, I plan to get that software such that it could be really useful to me in the near future. Muhahaha...
1 more day before I meet my darling for another date. HAHA.. it's been more than a week since I last met her up and God knows how much we miss each other dearly. A lot I would say. Well, I think I have something in mind right now and tonight, after my assignment, I'll go hunting for something in my mind and see if I can find them. That would be a surprise. So, I'm not telling anyone here.
Today is the day that God has made. Thank You Lord for this wonderful day. I pray this day will be fruitful, meaningful and very much blessed.
April 22, 2007
I'm finally in a new cell group with some old friends and new faces. The service yesterday was great. Although much of it was about outreach and evangelism, one can be able to use the pointers discussed during the service to win people not just over to our faith but to our influence as well.
Jesus' Way of Evangelizing: (Luke 19:10, Matthew 4:17)
Be availableDo not be biased when it comes to the gospelBe sensitive to sinnersSpend time into the lives of sinnersSecure a public confessionBut the most essential thing above all is your availability. It's not how much you know, or how much you can do for God, but rather, it's how much time you have in order to invest in the lives of these people.
I've been busy but thank God I still have a bit of time to meet up with some close friends of mine every once in a while to catch up with them.
Another great part of the sermon, which is very practical in terms of how this can be used not just in reaching out but also in our daily life.
Read Luke 10:1-3Luke 10:5 -> Go and bless others
Luke 10:7 -> Fellowshipping and availing yourself
Luke 10:8-9 -> Meet the needs of others
Luke 10:10 -> Preach the gospel when their hearts are opened
To bless is to speak well; to encourage and to praise someone. Therefore, here's a similar list of how one can do to win more friends in the secular world:
1. Go and bless others -> Compliments are certainly the best tool to boost the confidence of people around your circle of trust. Praises, words of affirmations and compliments are what draw people to like you even more. Instead of having mouth filled with dirty words and negativity, having a glib tongue will bring success to one's career and relationships.
2. Fellowshipping and availing yourself -> Being available is very important. It is the same as being there for a friend in need, or a boss in need or when a company is in need or crisis. This is a very useful tool in order to tell people that you are reliable, effective and efficient.
3. Meet the needs of others -> Find a need and meet it; find a hurt and heal it. This is what everybody should do in such a time like this. We are living a world filled with crisis, chaos and uncertainty. A friend who is sincere enough to offer a helping hand for someone in need of love, compassion and acceptance is someone who is indeed rare. This, however, is a good chance to adopt this third strategy in order to become a winsome person. Everybody likes a winsome person anyway.
4. Preach the gospel when their hearts are open -> Not just the gospel, but rather, sharing of business strategies, school project ideas, and other forms of interaction can then begin. Why is this so? Because once you've shown others that you are able to compliment and praise, be reliable, effective and efficient, as well as meeting their needs, starting a lasting friendship with them is all so possible! A friendship is an alliance. It is also a relationship. It is something where the parties share common goals and help one another out whenever possible. It is something where the parties engage in a project that empowers one another to succeed.
Picture this: If you are able to win a friend's heart over to yours, you can do anything in this world and there's nothing that could possibly stop you from achieving it... except God.
April 19, 2007
Wasted a bit of my time taking photos in the toilet. LOLX I guess I've got nothing better to do. But then, I look great today. If only I knew how to blow my hair correctly.. Ah well, I'll learn it from my mom tomorrow when she helps dry my hair.

As you can tell from my tired expression, I was pretty stressed out (nor smiling) from all the research I had done today for my coming Sociology assignment. Can't believe I actually got a credit for it. This sucks because it's just not what I think I deserve. Or rather, it's not what I wanted even though I've tried my best. DAMN!
But then again, cell group was fun and the message sharing was encouraging enough to perk us up as we anticipate the coming weekend service. It's gonna be great!
Miss my darling.. even it's a few days. Her voice especially.. I wish she could just grace me with her angelic voice whenever she's free.
I didn't know that she love watching the Aurora Borealis! That's something which I've always wanted to catch in this lifetime before God calls me back to heaven. And it's something I wanted to witness with the woman I love most in my life. Now - it is her. My darling, Jasmine. Don't worry, we'll get to see it someday. Time to save up for it! HAHAHA.. we can both take up part-time or full-time job in the near future and save up for this wonderful trip.. perhaps to Norway or Finland? LOLX
Talking about this reminds me of what was being shared today during cell group. Alvin shared about receiving from God all that He wants to give us:
1. Gift of Salvation
2. Power of the Holy Spirit
3. Healing for our illnesses
4. Abundance in our finances
5. Love of God for our lives
But there is this part that talks about FAITH.
Receiving from God requires a right inward attitude, outward posture and lots of perseverance. The right attitude will propel us towards a happier life. And with the addition of faith, it not only can make a dream into reality, but also build forth our confidence to step out and reach out for what we desire to achieve. Thus, having faith is the right attitude we must adopt in life. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. Not only that, it is even more impossible to make things happen in reality.
I like this thing about faith. That is,
faith requires
action. Faith makes things happen by action through the decision we make. And so, although the trip to the Northern Hemisphere is expensive to us right now, I believe, if the both of us are willing to save up for that trip, it'll all be worthwhile in the end. We are yet to discuss about this... hehe^^
April 17, 2007
I got no compliments when I went for my lessons today. That's alright, but at least, please do not say I'm balding.. which I am not. I went through chemotherapy and lost my hair once. It grew back and isn't in a good condition. SO.. IF YOU IGNORANT FOLKS DON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND WHAT CANCER PATIENTS WENT THROUGH, THEN SHUT UR BLOODY MOUTH UP!
I'm still young and I love to look good and I'm trying my very best to look good and presentable. I've got my ego - MALE EGO. And I've got emotions coz I'm not a robot. And I do get hurt easily, especially when my looks is involved. So, before you guyz (you know who you are) wanna say anything, THINK first before you speak!!! I'm not referring to guys.. but rather those girls who are more prone to speak their bloody minds. DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN.
And FOR F**K SAKE, please be considerate towards my ego. I'm a man no matter what. So you better respect my ego instead of making statements like "
I'm worse than a girl", which is SO NOT F**KING TRUE!
BASTARDS!!! WHOLE LOT OF BASTARDS!!!!!Oh, for those who can't take my f**king rant, get out of this place and stop empathizing with me. I love my readers but I certainly don't expect them to love me back because I don't seek to please them. I do appreciate kind notes or compliments but certainly no insults or harassments from someone (you know who you are) lately, who has been seriously banned by me from the tagboard.
Haiz... to all those whom I just got to know, why can't you all just be like me? Or at least, adopt my motto in life:
"IF YOU HAVE NOTHING GOOD TO SAY, DON'T SAY IT!!!"That's the way. Thus I say to you, follow this role model, and you'll never offend anybody.
April 16, 2007
Whee! I finally did something to my long curly locks. No more cockatoo from the behind. No more curly hair that I used to detest having. Yes, I rebonded my hair this afternoon just right after school.
Here's what I looked like before going to school. Geez.. I hate posting this ugly side of me up here but well, it looks like I've just woken up. HAHA

HAHA.. dull...
But the hair treatment I received this afternoon was pretty shiok! WHAHAHA.. at least it's all worth it in the end.

And yea.. it definitely feels great having the steamer around my head. Felt so comfortable..
After the whole long and tedious procedure, this is the finished product...

帅吗? HAHAHA!!!
Praise God for this new look and a time I could be able to have lunch with my mom today. That's not all. Today, my darling and I celebrated our first month anniversary. Well, this is a start, but I planned to make it a good head start for our wonderful relationship.
I specially arranged for her to meet me at the top of Raffles City before I showed up and surprised her with a bouquet of roses. But before she could even notice the roses, she saw my hair and was like, "*GASP* what did you do to your hair? You looked great!". HAHAHA..
We had our dinner at NYDC and the entire evening was really fantastic. We took lots of photos too. Here are some really nice looking photos we took during our evening together...

And.. not forgetting the neoprints we took at Cineleisure..

Darling, you look so wonderful tonight. Happy first month!

Love you lotz!
April 15, 2007
Help, I'm sick again! This time I'll be trusting God to heal me completely of my flu-cum-fever. This sucks because I don't think I gave my best during the choir singing. Well, we did really great for Benny Hinn's crusade bringing the anointing of the Holy Spirit across the entire Indoor Stadium. The presence of God was really powerful and tangible. I could feel it everywhere in my body and healing is taking place within me right now. I will become better and totally healed in time to come.
Today is April 15th.
Exactly three years ago, I was diagnosed with Lymphoma. A cancerous tumor was found within the area of my chest. It's like the size of a football. I was struggling to stay strong and fought to the very end of my final recovery. Not just that, I wasn't alone.
God was with me all the time and all I had left with me then was faith and nothing else. Imagine being reduced to a state like this three years ago, no one would have thought I'd survived. But God is good and throughout my days undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy, I was growing in faith; I was growing in the Lord. Bit by bit, revelations from His word would fill my heart with joy and knowledge. God has never let me down during those terrible days.
I had to endure several kinds of terrible side effects from the medications I received. Also, I lost my hair and this placed a huge impact on my self-esteem. But Jesus never failed to encourage me each time I felt like giving up my battle with cancer. So, day by day I never stopped picking myself up whenever I fell, worshiped God in my little room whenever I was depressed and kept praying whenever I was in pain. Of course, reading the bible kept me so energized and His words never failed to touch me.
I'm so glad I'm alive today, being able to fulfill my ambitions as well as my calling. I thank God for healing me three years ago and that He has NEVER EVER left my side nor forsaken me. He is always there with me and because of this, I shall fear nothing.
"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for you are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me." - Psalm 23:4
And throughout those months when I was suffering from side effects after side effects, I thank God that my cell group leader, Alvin was there encouraging me as well. I remembered clearly that I received an SMS from him one morning and it says:
"For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." - Jeremiah 29:11
From then on, I kept rehearsing this verse in my mind. Kept on meditating on it, kept on believing in the miracles God can do in my life back then.
And finally, it came to pass that I was healed in that year itself. Many miracles actually took place around me, which, I won't be touching on it.. coz there are really lots of it.
What I can say is.. the Lord has healed me. Praise the Lord Almighty!
Three years since the diagnosis. However, this day will be commemorated every year just to remind myself how great my God is. Though terrifying, but such experience has made me stronger, wiser and more courageous. Thank God for this day. Thank You Lord for your healing. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
April 12, 2007
6 more days before I have to get my developmental research proposal handed in to the front counter of TMC.
4 more days before my darling and I celebrate our very first month anniversary together.
3 more days before I commemorate the beginning of my most frightening experience three years ago.
2 more days before I get to sing in the ginormous choir during Benny Hinn's service at the Singapore Indoor Stadium. There will be a great revival somehow and many souls will be saved.
And tomorrow, I have to work. Argh... things just become a routine over time. But I have to stay passionate for what I'm pursuing. It's never easy going after your dream. But the good news is, I don't have to remain an atheist and depend on my own limited strength to excel in what I'm doing. I have God. I have Jesus. And my Lord is greater than any problems I face because He has called me to be an overcomer in everything I do.
Without God, I would be nothing. I would have lost my life. I would have given up hope. I would have done stupid things to end my life long ago. The fact that I'm still alive today is because God has given me hope when I'm discouraged, faith when I'm blinded by too many distresses in life, love when I needed it the most. I am really blessed that I have accepted Jesus as my Lord because there are many things that Science cannot teach.
Science can only provide doubtful evidence or insecure truths. Hypotheses may be proven fact, but they may not be totally reliable even though they may be valid.
However, my faith carries me through in my calling, my purpose and my destiny. My faith shapes my character all the time. It gives me hope, encourages me to pick myself up when I fall and trains me to be an overcomer in all things.
Science cannot provide me solid hope, neither can it shapes my character, nor encourages me to live a purposeful life. Science is dubious because it is always asking questions and setting up hypotheses - always searching and always arrive.. not exactly there but almost there. It's a discipline which many questions are not yet answered. That's the fault of Science itself. No doubt, it is full of knowledge, but knowledge, although essential, puffs up.
Instead of living an atheist's life - always asking questions and seeking visible answers after visible answers - the time has come for one to realize that it only takes a slight effort to put one's faith and believe in what may seem impossible
and the powerful. That is our Lord Jesus Christ and the Father, God of most High.
Things only happen when you make your first dream.
Things only happen when you believe that nothing is impossible.
Things only happen when you stop questioning and start believing.
That's when miracles truly happen.
April 10, 2007
chin 10
nose to mouth 33
nose length 59
forehead 81
lower lip 78
nose width 93
eyes 55
face width 99
upper lip 99
mouth width 36
eye gap 97
*measurements are relative to your individual face dimensions
*measurements are then compared to averages yielding a 0-100 percentile
Your most prominent facial feature is your:
foreheadYour least prominent facial feature is your:
chinStability ||||||| 53%
Orderliness |||||||| 66%
Extraversion ||||||| 50%
Stability results were medium which suggests you average somewhere in between being calm and resilient and being anxious and reactive.
Orderliness results were moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly organized, reliable, neat, and hard working at the expense of flexibility, efficiency, spontaneity, and fun.
Extraversion results were medium which suggests you average somewhere in between being assertive and social and being withdrawn and solitary.
trait snapshot:
clean, organized, dislikes chaos, semi neat freak, perfectionist, traditional, realist, fits in most places, enjoys managing others, risk averse, good at saving money, prudent, respects authority, high self control, hard working, does not like to stand out, follows the rules, finisher, resilient, takes precautions, cautious, honest, unfamiliar with the dark side of life, practical, conforming
Take this test:
Facial Personality Test
April 07, 2007
The season of bad sore throat has arrived for me. And I can just simply feel a lump at the lower end of my throat. O Lord, tell me it's not the relapse!! I hate to mention this but this is gonna be the last thing I wanna hear of what's becoming of me. But Lord, I choose to stand upon Your promise that I am healed by the blood of Jesus. In His name and by his stripes He took for me, I am healed! Thus, I confess this in the name of Jesus. I shall recover from this bad sore throat.
Oh, for those who have not gone for the Easter event held in Expo Hall 8, you guyz have missed a great performance by the CHC drama members, who put in so much effort to make the production a successful one. Truly God is good and many people gave their lives to Jesus today acknowledging Him as their Lord and Savior.
I hope that my friends would get to know Jesus too. Not because it's cool to be a Christian. Rather, it's a choice of whether one would like to lead a better life instead of living a mundane and meaningless life on planet earth.
Your life can never be the same with Jesus as your Lord.
Though it's not easy living in a world full of complications and depressed people, it's always a great thing to practice the love that God has for us. And in order to love others properly and form strong and lasting friendships or relationships, it is essential to know how God first loved us.
God, sent His only begotten Son, Jesus, to die on the cross such that our sins can be forgiven when we acknowledge Him as our Lord and Savior. Jesus took all sins of mankind so that we can be pure in the eyes of God. He became poor so that we can be prosperous in everything we do. The pain of every stripes of the whip He took is for the healing of our illness and brokenness. He died so that we may live, and live life to its abundance (of high quality).
Therefore, this Easter, let's remember what Jesus has done on the cross for all of us. It doesn't matter whether you are a Christian or a non-Christian. All you need to know is that you are greatly blessed, highly favored and deeply loved by the grace of God. And that Jesus is the way that will lead you to an intimate relationship of God.
I always tell myself this:
Whenever I feel lonely, or feel that no one else accepts me, loves me or understand me, God is with me. I need not feel lonely because by communicating with Jesus through prayer, God will avail Himself to be a good listener to all my problems. And by His words, He shall turn my problems into stepping stones towards success and maturity.
I need not feel depressed anymore, because on the day I received Jesus into my life, God has placed joy into my heart. Even when things don't turn out right for me, that joy of the Lord continues to birth forth within my spirit. Somehow or rather, I do not feel as depressed as I once felt without God.
I was healed of cancer by the grace and mercy of my Lord God. It was not just the works of therapies and medications, but rather, I chose to pray everyday and stand firm in my faith that God will heal me completely of that illness. There were times I felt like I was dying and for that moment, I thought I would die. But then, in that very hour, I kept holding on the faith in my Lord and His promise that by His stripes I am healed, despite the pain and discomfort.
It takes courage and lots of faith for a person to fight for his very life in order to live. To have life in this world means so much, because of one thing - to live a life of purpose. It'll even be better to live a life according to God's purpose. What are you called for? What are you made to do? What do you enjoy doing? All these must go together with the intention to touch the lives of others.
I enjoyed this Easter very much. In fact, I really enjoyed the company of Sean and Wai Mun for some chit chat sessions at TCC just now. Really liked the ambiance and the fellowship that we brothers could enjoy. Thanks so much for spending your time fellowshipping with me.
Well, I was really touched that my girlfriend made a trip down to town just to see if I'm alright. I'm fine actually, although there were some discomfort in my throat this afternoon. Aww... I'm sorry for making you worry about me. I should have taken extra care of myself. But at these times, my assignments and work are placing lots of pressure on me. I really hope I could get more rests... during the holidays though. I'm looking forward to my holidays even though they seem to be a snail's pace away.
Thank you for being so understanding all these while.
Thank you for your care upon my life.
Thank you for loving me so much and spending your time with me.
Thank you for everything...
"I love you" is just not enough for me to express, as it goes way beyond that from the bottom of my heart. But still... I love you.
April 06, 2007
Central Gale Alliance Pacified Into SubmissionThe Central Gale Alliance withdrew from their effort to invade Siberia two days ago.
The declaring princedom calculated the risk of attacking Great Siberia was too great and thus ordered the entire Alliance to withdraw and many princedoms within disbanded in their own separate ways.
The following is a short dialog between Prince Frederick of Siberia and his invited guest, Victorix.
Victorix: Now that the CG Alliance have withdrawn their troops from your boundary, what next?
Frederick: (laughs) We will have to invade theirs. It is our land in the first place.
Victorix: Their assassination plans to kill you and your Princess have failed. What have you got to say about this?
Frederick: Nothing beats the power of the Siberian army. When you attack this land, you are a thousand steps closer to the grave.
Victorix: What will you do to improve the situation of this conflict?
Frederick: Siberia must be strong. In order to do so, the nobles and the people must play their part in defending this empire. Corruption is not tolerated. Resentment is frowned upon. There will always be conflicts but the might of Siberia will prevail.
Now that the alliance have surrendered, the entire empire can now enjoy a brief moment of peace and serenity.
I love snails. Not to have them as pets but, to eat them.
Garden snails can be eaten but you have to be very careful that they've not been near harmful pesticides. It is also important to clean and prepare the snails correctly.
Snails were eaten by the Romans and soon, this delicacy is introduced to the British and then was spread to the United States. The French eat snails too but they call them Escargot. The Japanese eat snails too. And they have them raw!!!
Manz... and Sakae Sushi serves edible snails.. which, is one of my favorite dish over there. I went to this restaurant with my parents today to have our dinner. We were sitting near this conveyor belt serving Japanese sushis and I was just busy anticipating the appearance of my edible raw snails. Too bad... it's already late and the belts were kinda empty. Such a disappointment...
Anyway.. I'll patronize Sakae Sushi again and see if I can get my mouth on those snails. They're just so delicious!!!
April 04, 2007
Watching a movie with the person you love makes so much difference even if the show is a no-brainer comedy that only seeks to entertain. And Bean was hilarious! My, he's really good.
Here's the trailer as well as my overall rating for this show:
Click on the thumbnail for trailer...

Well, three stars is good enough for something as entertaining as Mr. Bean. This show could very much be like any other TV comedy at home, which many would enjoy. Nice plot there with a number of funny scenes. Indeed, a great show for entertainment purposes.
Alright, I'm going to bed..
Good night people!
Good night darling! Luv u..
My am I bogged down by assignments after assignments and not even a time to work, see my darling or even... breathe.
Good news lately. My first Journalism assignment's due date has been extended to the week after. Bad news as well. I HAVE to complete it by tonight or tomorrow so that I can concentrate on my other assignments such as my developmental proposal. Geez.. and I'm having a hard time thinking of the title! Argh...!!! After this is over, I still have another longer hard news to write about and this needs lots of preparation, gathering of sources and potential interviewing candidates. Tough job as a journalist. That's why I'd rather be a columnist,feature writer or a scriptwriter if possible.
And right now, as I speak, the cold air in TMC's study lounge is feeding on my skin. It's super cold now and I'm typing this entry with frozen hands. Doesn't matter.. I'm so excited to meet my darling later. Going for a movie and spending quality time with each other.. haha. Such a wonderful feeling.. something which I don't want it to go away at any time and at any cost.. or anyhow.
Lord, I love her.
Not just that... I want to:
- Be with her for as long as I can stay alive.
- Take long walks along the coasts of the beach with her.
- Share my feelings and life with her.
- Play and have enjoyable times with her.
- Care for her when she's not feeling very well.
- Be there for her when she's sad.
- Listen to her when she's frustrated.
- Hold her close to me when she's cold.
- Help her become a better person in different ways.
- Bless her whenever possible.
- Encourage her when she's discouraged.
- Be her Best Friend whom she can count on.
- Pray for her.
- Protect her.
- Love her the same way that You love me, Lord.
Teach me to be Christlike in my relationship, Jesus. Teach me to love unconditionally. And never fail to shower me with Your love and blessings so that I could do the same to her.. and to others.
My heart of stone is now ripe for loving.
April 01, 2007
Without a doubt, this cold heart of mine has melted to my darling's warmth. The way she loves me; the way she looks at me.. and how great I am in her life has touched my heart of stone. Truly, I've never felt so loved by any girl who had been with me throughout the course of my life's history. She's the one who has showered me with concerns after concerns, and never fails to remind me of the things that I should be doing. Thank God for her; thank you Lord for such a wonderful girlfriend like her in my life. I pray that we'll be in this for a long long time. Lord, may You bless this relationship and help us to be fruitful in all things that we do.
Just some little facts about me...Pride. Pride has it's pros and cons. Pride is cherished yet dangerous weapon to hold on to. Pride is rewarding but yet devastating. Pride can bring honor to oneself but yet destroy friendships. Pride rules the heart but messes with the character. Pride is mandatory to excel but does not guarantee survival.
I'm a person with pride. Lots of it. I take pride in the things I do, in the words I say, in the way I carry myself and in the way I love the ones I love. A single offense to the things I love and the things I take pride on, by somebody outside my circle of trust, will spell much hurt upon me. Hurt will turn into bitterness over time if the issue isn't resolved. And when I'm offended, I have one good advice for you - RUN or COVER YOUR EARS.
(Caution: I take pride in my looks the most and how I present myself. So, avoid talking bad about how I look.)Ego. Ego is mandatory in a man yet damaging to his soul. Ego is what makes one withdraw instead of reaching out. Ego speaks for itself but fails to discern. Ego mends the self-esteem but may break relationships. Ego is better than shame but is worse than pride. Ego is the Id but yet comes with logic and morality. Ego can be a man's best friend but also his worst enemy at times.
I have an ego. Like all man, we pride ourselves in the way we look and conduct ourselves. The roles we take up as a man are so honorable, even in God's eyes. Yet at times, we fail to use our ego to its advantage - more like we destroy ourselves with it. However, we all have egos of different types. As for me, I believe that taking up the role of leading in a relationship is the way to go for men. Many of you girls may prefer sissy or ultra sensitive guys, thus may disagree with me in this area. Well, all I can say is: Good luck to you in finding your man, no, sissy!
Flaws. Who is perfect? Who doesn't make mistakes? The one who makes no mistakes is God Himself. The one who makes mistakes is human. The one doesn't have his mistakes pardoned by others is worthy enough to think the Unforgiver is an asshole. He/she is if you think about it. Well, I'm full of flaws. It'll take a hundred years before I could successfully deny this fact. I wasn't made perfect anyway and we can NEVER be perfect. I'm constantly learning new things and growing in spite of my age.
Anger. I hate to say this but anger is my worst enemy that is putting me on a stronghold of bondage for years. I've always been hot-tempered. But the good news is, I've become more patient than before. I've learned the usefulness of self-control and tolerance. But once my grace and mercy run out, it'll be the beginning of nightmares for everyone. I am happy to say that I have great tolerance level ever since I entered adulthood. It'll take almost forever (exaggeration) to get me into the state of utmost fury and feared expressions. Self-control has served me well, but not anger.
Love. Love is the ultimate gift I can ever give anyone. And this applies to everyone of you out there. Love is a decision. Love is a choice. Love is not just feelings, neither is it a longing to have sex (that's lust, you bastards). It is something so precious yet easily taken for granted.
I'm glad that over the years, very rarely has my love been taken advantaged of. People can be close to me but they can't make use of me, taking advantage of what I can do for them. Since young, I've learned things the hard way, including being bullied, in order to successfully appear fierce and cold towards others when there's a need to.
My main concern right now is that I hate being taken for granted. Not just in areas of my relationship with my girlfriend... but also in areas like what I can do unto others. I'd like to be remembered for what I've contributed. I'd like to be appreciated for the things I do and the effort I put in. Appreciation is not just by words made emptied after the ultimate action being a contradiction to what's been said.
Once again, I repeat myself, that although I'm forgiving by nature, NEVER EVER
EVER take my love for granted.