May 29, 2006
On a night like this, I can't believe I'm stilling blogging. It's passed twelve and my fingers are typing moderately fast on my dusty keyboard for the first time this week. I've been away in search of a cure for my writer's block syndrome. And as I write, my eyes are half closed but my mind is still awake.
Today is the day I'm about to finish submitting all my applications to the private universities I'm applying to. Hopefully, I could be able to get the course I applied for,as my strength lies in the areas of the media, arts and the interest of the state of the mind. Yea, in short, psychology. I couldn't afford to be rejected again as this is a very good last chance for me to prove to myself that I can, once again, do well in my studies and achieve better grades. I am willing to give up everything just for this one chance to study. And I pray, that one of those universities I applied for would give me a chance to do my very best this time round.
I hated myself for making a stupid mistake when I picked the wrong course after my 'O' Levels. It was a serious case of stupidity and ignorance on my part. Back then, I was like a child, dependent and indecisive. I have no goals, no visions, no dreams and worse, no drive. I thought I had it all when I graduated happily as an 'O' Level student, who's top the class and held the position of a headprefect in school. I was very wrong and pride ate itself into my heart. I thought I could handle the poly courses and I placed those that have higher prospects on the first few choices - IT, Business Informatics, Mechatronics Engineering... etc. Respectively.
I thought that by completing a course and graduating with a Diploma will guarantee a spot for me in the society. Very naive. Very stupid. Very ignorant. Very childish.
So, I went to my designated poly without a goal, without any expectations, but filled with great pride and thoughts that everything will be okay. First few lessons was okay. Things turned a little awkward later during my second semester of my first year. I was beginning to feel lost and was struggling with my modules and projects. I lost heart in my studies and thought that if only I could choose a path for myself again, I'd choose something that interests me, not something I think will get me somewhere in the future.
Engineering is not ME. I don't see myself being so mathematical and logical. Robots or machines don't really appeal to me. I use them, but I can't be bothered to learn about them. Besides, I'm not a maths person.
Business? I don't know. Perhaps I could be too honest at times and therefore this is not my area of profession. I can think out of the box, but I can't bring myself to beat about the bush all the time. Naturally, I like being straightforward and blunt. Take it or leave it is my motto.
IT? The bubble has burst for this industry. It is super saturated. I don't mind picking up some skills from there - for instance, Flash and Dreamweaver. But a course in IT won't take me that far I'm sure. It'll be super competitive.
Design? I love design. I like being creative and providing ideas for people. Too bad I wasn't an art student from any art colleges, just a mere diploma holder from an Engineering faculty. But even so, given a chance to do this course will not take me anywhere either. It will take me overseas! I can't go overseas. My doctors are all based here, my friends are here, my family is here, my girlfriend is here... and most importantly, my purpose is here. There's no purpose for me overseas. Not at this very moment.
Communications, medias, arts, writing... psychology and socialogy.. arh.. at last, I think I've found something I can learn with all my heart. Cultures and languages are my forte, psychology is my interest, humanities are my strengths, and writing is my hobby. And since God has given me a seed of potentials way from the beginning when He created me, I should use these seeds of talents and gifts fruitfully and share them with others around me.
The marketplace has 5 pillars - Business, Education, Government, Arts and Media.
Media seems feasible and a likely area for me to sow whatever I've got. My goal is to be a source of positive influence to others and I want to be remembered as a person of great generosity who will touch the lives of many.
My deepest desire right now is to get a degree on the course I'm interested in doing. I want to graduate with a degree and continue to upgrade myself till the day I give up my soul. God, please grant my deepest prayers and desires for this one and only chance I have. This may mean nothing to others who's grades are far better than mine, who's qualifications exceeded mine, who's achievements far succeeded mine. But to me, this.. is my last stand.
May 21, 2006
For those who are ignorant, the Da Vinci Code is a fiction bellseller written by a former teacher Dan Brown. This book has recently been turned into a film worldwide. As for the story line, you've got to read it yourself. Here's a very good article to begin with. I was shocked upon reading it, and quite disappointed at the lowly faith and cowardice of these Christians.. or Catholics who claimed to be leaders themselves.
Da Vinci Code banned in Lebanon Best-selling book The Da Vinci Code has been banned in Lebanon after complaints it was offensive to Christianity.Catholic leaders called for the book to be withdrawn because of its depiction of Christ marrying Mary Magdalene and fathering a child.
Shop owners said security officials had told them to pull French, English and Arabic copies off their shelves.
In the fictional book by Dan Brown, an academic uncovers riddles hidden in the religious works by the famous painter.
Sexual relationshipFather Abdou Abu Kasm, president of Lebanon's Catholic Information Centre, said the contents of the book were "insulting".
"There are paragraphs that touch the very roots of the Christian religion... they say Jesus Christ had a sexual relationship with Mary Magdalene, that they had children," he said.
"Those things are difficult for us to accept, even if it's supposed to be fiction.
"Christianity is not about forgiveness to the point of insulting Jesus Christ."
"Lebanon is a country with many different religious communities and there are still laws that ban articles that offend different communities."
The book, which has sold more than 7.5 million copies worldwide, portrays Catholic Church leaders as demonising women and covering up the truth about the Holy Grail, which Brown says is Mary Magdalene herself.
Roger Haddad, assistant manager at the Virgin Megastore's bookstore department in Beirut, said the book had been a success in Lebanon, where about 35% of the 3.5 million population is Christian.
"It was definitely one of our most popular books.
"This is censorship, people should be allowed to read what they want ... This book is fiction, everyone knows it's fiction. It is not political or propaganda or history."
Ahmed Fadlalla Assi, the head of Lebanon's Publisher's Union, was angry at the decision.
He said: "Salman Rushdie is forgotten in the annals of history, whereas Islam stayed on and Dan Brown will go, too, and Christianity will stay on."
The General Security Department said it consults with Christian and Muslim religious authorities on all books that deal with sensitive subjects.
Firstly, this book is
ONLY a fiction. Everyone knows it. Even a retarded priest who's gone to the woody lodge knows it.
Secondly, it is such
JUDGEMENTAL human perception that gave birth to the unnecessary troubles we all have to go through. The book is interesting. The movie is facinating. It is just how one perceives the message or, if you like, controversies.
Thirdly, Mr. Brown is selling his books pretty well. Why is it so? He used controversy. And controversy sells! This is a very relevant and practical marketing strategy used by contemporary people. Not people who are being kept in-house chanting prayers or tapping their head and shoulders and becoming irrelevant after a long period of time. These nut-case believers should go out and see how the world is like. Locally, we have this hokkien nickname for such people. It is called
"Suah Goo". In literal translation, it means "mountain tortoise", which refers to people who are back-dated, out of touch from society, and like what Jesus said, good-for-nothings.
Let me explicate.
When Adam was placed in charge of the garden of Eden, God told him to tend to all trees. That's including the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which was in the midst of the garden. But God said to Adam that he cannot eat the fruit from that tree. But in the end, Adam fell into temptation and failed to to obey God's instruction. Therefore Adam sinned, and sin is conceived through the generations after him.
Now, if God knew that Adam would eat of the fruit from that tree, why didn't He do something about it?
Why didn't God use a chainsaw to chop the tree down since He knew that tree would cause mankind to plunge into years of sin and perversion?
Look at it this way. If a father knew that his teenage child would hang out with his own friends doing silly things like getting into alchoholism, smoking or even drugs, instead of imposing family laws and value, he kept his son in a dark basement everyday refusing to let him see the outside world nor meeting bad companies along the way.
What is it going to become of the child?
A: The child will have psychological disorders over time. And he will suffer more than before.
What will happen?
A: Simple, the father will have to be charged for child abuse!
To God, innocence is
NOT a virtue. Then what is virtue?
Virtue is
NOT innocence.
Virtue is innocence
Naivety in my opinion is ignorance. Ignorance is not a bliss. It is a form of poverty. If one is naive, he is weak. He's not tested. His faith is weak as well. He gets paranoid easily when some things offended him prior to his faith or belief. He is closed up and is not open-minded. A naive person is narrow-minded, and doesn't know how to think out of the box.
Why must we ban the Da Vinci Code book or movie?
Will it harm the minds and stumble the beliefs of the believers? If that is so, God is laughing at us.
Will it harm the reputation of the Church and the believers? If that is so, God is also laughing at us.
Is this all we care about, believers? Our reputation and fear of being insulted? Our narrow-mindedness and fear of confronting controversy with the Truth?
Where is the Truth? The Truth is within our grasp. It is the Word of God! That's the sword of the Spirit, which is the weapon we have against the powers of darkness and principalities!
Whom shall we fear?
John 17:14-17"I have given them Your word; and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. I do not pray that You should take them out of the world, but that You should keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth."This explains that we are in the world, but we don't embrace sins. We don't follow the sinful lifestyles of the world. We aren't conformed to the 'culture' of this world.
Matthew 5:13-16Believers Are Salt and Light "You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."Believers are called to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth, not a life of candle-light dinner nor the garlic of the earth!
We are to shine for the Lord in all things that we do. Because of what we are doing unto others, we are doing it unto Jesus himself. When we serve others, we are serving Jesus our Lord!
Therefore, our attitude is different. Our mindset is different. That's what makes Christians so distinct. We are in fact called to make a difference in society. We are called to penetrate society. We are called to be a great influence within our community. God has planted seeds of potentials and talents within us so that we can use it and be fruitful by multiplying all He has given us. He has also given us strength and courage to stand up for what we believe in according to His purpose. We have the authority to rebuke the evil one. We have that same authority to confront deceptions and controversies in the world, not by banning them or shunning away from them, but to debate about them and speak up for our own faith!
Christ did not die for nothing. He died so that our sins can be forgiven when we repent as we believe in His name that He is Lord. He died so that all who believes in Him shall be called children of God. Being children of God, we have the power and authority to rebuke the devil and to confront our own temptations to sin, much less those little lies or half-truths. Life of a Christian is a battlefield. It is a life where we constantly break free from the bondage of sin as well as renewing our minds day after day as we mature in our faith. All these things will pull us out of our innocence and test our faith. When our innocence are tested, we will become stronger, wiser, braver and God will be able to use us mightily in His kingdom.
It all depends on how strong our Christian faith is. We should face controversial books or movies with a right state of mind. One should develop a strong foundation in the Word of God and constantly building up his own faith in Jesus. In order to not stumble easily, one has to have the foundation of the Truth in his/her heart.
If this little fiction can ruin your faith in Christianity, I suggest you go and retake your bible study lessons all the way from lesson one. You probably did not have the right foundation.
As for the rest, why ban such a book or movie based on reputation of Christianity? Christianity is not built upon reputation. It is built upon faith and fear of the Lord. If you want reputation, go be a president or something else. Why choose to be a priest or a pastor?
If one pathetic movie or a book could destroy Christianity, then Christianity would be gone some 6000 years ago, when God could actually use a saw and chop the tree of the knowledge of good and evil down. And with that, man would not sin.
Why is your faith so weak? Dear bishops..? Dear pastors..? Dear pope..? Dear... whatever you call yourselves...?
Romans 14:1-2The Law of Liberty"Receive one who is weak in the faith, but not to disputes over doubtful things. For one believes he may eat all things, but he who is weak eats only vegetables."A strong Christian will accept what is unbearable or sinful in others. That doesn't mean he follows their sinful lifestyles.
A weak Christian can't bring himself to accept what is sinful in others. He is bias, abstinent and legalistic, not mentioning the pharisees Jesus detested.
In conclusion, it doesn't matter what movies one watches or what types of book one reads. Whether it is controversial or non-spritual, it is still the condition of one's heart that will determine the choice he makes between the truth and the lie. It is still the faith one has in Jesus, which will be tested as he live his life day by day in this broken down world. We can shun controversies or we can ban improper materials, but at the end of the day, our faith is Jesus Christ our Lord will still be tested. Even as you're banning this fiction book, your faith and innocence are also tested. And thus it shows how abstinent, naive and legalistic such believers you are!
Disgrace, O people of Lebanon!
May 17, 2006
It's ever so interesting in reading the Holy Bible. It is a book that speaks of true faith, unconditional love, real hope, gifts of salvation, blessings of abundance, power and authority. Besides, it's a compilation of what a man can do and all that he can become. It is the TRUTH, and nothing else. But for others who doubts the Bible's explanations or creditability, read again. It is the secret of what lies between the lines of those written testaments. Those words are not to be taken literally. In order to really seek the truth out from the Bible, one has to constantly seek it. Not just by reading the Bible alone, but to extract other informations from different translations of the testaments and epistles, including other reliable and authentic sources.
You must be thinking, "Wow. So many things to do."
Well, if you are seeking for the truth, your heart must not fail. You have to have the fire and true desire to seek for it. Instead of telling the whole world that Christianity is plain bullshit and nonsensical.
Matthew 7:7"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it will be opened to you."Luke 11:8"I say to you, though he will not rise and give to him because he is his friend, yet because of his persistence he will rise and give him as many as he needs."The Bible mentioned that in order to receive your needs you have to keep asking, seeking and knocking. That includes desires as well. And not simply by seeking the truth, which many of you are so hungry after, but rather, you must have the passion and persistence to know what the bible is talking about.
Here's a secret. No one has fully understood the Bible, let alone God Himself. So if you are plain attacking the Bible with all other evidences you can possibly find here on earth, it would still not be sufficient enough to fully put down this faith.
However, if you are plain attacking God Himself, saying that there's no God, you are basically putting yourself in the "Unbelief" mode, a mode of self-acknowledgement and self-deception. It is a spiritual blindness veiled over your unbelieving senses causing a channel blockage between your physical and supernatural circumstances.
Psalms 14:1"The fool has said in his heart,
�There is no God.�
They are corrupt,
They have done abominable works,
There is none who does good."To say that mankind's existence is due to a cosmic accident and randomness would be intellectually dishonest. It would be equivalent of saying that the light bulb is the the result of an explosion in a factory. But the truth is that Thomas Edison is the creator and inventor of the original light bulb. Hence, both man and the light bulb clearly points to a creator. This is why the Bible says the person who denies the true Creator (God) is a fool.
And for people with strong unbelief of God's miracles, power and existence, they will experience neither.
Matthew 13:53-58 talks about how Jesus was rejected at His home town Nazareth. Because the people do not believe that Jesus has the wisdom and power to do miracles and those mighty works.
Matthew13:58"Now He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief."Again, if you are strong in your unbeliefs that God does exist, you are missing out on God's miraculous blessings. God cannot work in or shape a man if He's full of negative or cynical thoughts. That man has to develop an open and trusting mindset towards what God can do in his life. Once his mind renews towards a positive direction, circumstances around him will eventually take the course of change.
Atheism is a faith. It is a religion. It is a worship of self. It is in fact, a selfish religion. It is centred upon self-indulgence and self-possession. Well, we can possibly do something on our own, but our strengths and attributes are limited. We need God to help us, to guide us and to bring us to our destiny. Whether or not you believe, it will soon determine your life in its current state, in its future and in eternity.
That aside, having gone through the first epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians, I've been reminded that even when my days seem dark and uncertain, there is this love of christ that will come and fill me up with Joy again. This Joy of the Lord is so precious that without it, I cannot live my day to the fullest. And within this Joy is the knowledge that my life was bought for an extremely expensive price. The price of one man, Jesus, who gave His very life for me on the cross; cleansed my sins and exchanged His righteousness for my sinfulness. Through Him, my life is "covered" by faith, hope and love.
Love - It covers any failures of the past. Love forgives. Love endures. Love cancels all forms of transgressions.
Faith - It is in the power of salvation for the present. By grace, there is salvation, but through faith, salvation is received. Faith is a weapon against all barriers and oppositions. Without faith, there will be no hope.
Hope - It is what the future might hold. And hope is in the soon-return of Christ for us.
These summed up the Joy that is conceived within me everyday of my life since the day I got saved. Never have I given up on myself and my life, nor have I ever denied that it is only through God's wisdom, strength and guidance, will I be able to walk this life of mine with courage despite all negative circumstances.
Isaiah 54:17"No weapon formed against you shall prosper,
And every tongue which rises against you in judgment
You shall condemn.
This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD,
And their righteousness is from Me,�
Says the LORD."Philippians 4:13"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."Philippians 4:19"And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus."I have gone this far...
I will keep walking.
May 15, 2006
On the Swirve Personality Test, I am a Champion. My Characteristics Chart:
| Extroverted | | Introverted | Sensitive | | Intuitive | Judgemental | | Perceptive | Thinker | | Feeler |
Read more about Champions or take the Test yourself! |
May 14, 2006
I've been having a bad time recently as I was rejected again by some institution that will open my path into making a difference. You know, whenever you have an intention in doing what's right, something will just stop you right there and drag you into a sphere of hate, vengeance, depression, anguish, fear and disillusions. I wasn't spared either. And you're next. Trust me. This disease is contagious; it's satanic.
However, I'm not letting this disappointment affect me just yet. But meanwhile, I'm a little tired after researching about my dream course since this morning, also, uncertain if I could be accepted again. Deep inside, I'd really REALLY like to study again. It's my interest to go back to the books ever since my passing out of the Army life. But the joy of the Lord never fails to lift me up from all these burdens. I'm cramped up, I'm down, I'm anxious, I'm desperate, I'm remorseful... but all these, I cast them all onto the Cross - the best gift I received when someone exchanged His life for my sake.
I'm not consoling myself. There is nothing to console myself with.
Absolutely nothing.
Trying to console myself is just like trying in vain to give myself comfort, which my own troubled heart is too handicapped to do so. Even if I succeed, I'd realize that I am actually dodging my reality.
I'm not turning to anyone. No. Not even the closest to me.
Trying to get comfort from people is not going help either. The peace is just not there. My focus will be distracted towards feeling for them. I will become sensitive to their needs as well.
People need each other. But people don't need full comfort from each other. The reality is that if you make a mess, you have to clean your own mess. Babies are an exception.
And if I reject consolation from myself and from people, you'd think I'll die.
Die of what? Of stress and dissatisfaction.
Nevertheless, the good news is that I was holding on, and still am, to the hope that's been conceived within me. What's more was that, I've come to realize that the only way to receive contentment, comfort and joy was not through people alone. It's by acknowledging that God will supply all these in times of our desperation and needs. Comfort is what I can receive when I seek for it in the Lord.
Well, I believe things happen for a reason. God's reasons always hold the best intentions for me. My life is, after all, in His hands. He can tear me apart anytime, however way He wants it. But He'll never do that. He loves me too much to ever put me into any circumstances I cannot bear nor handle. I'll be an overcomer and to do His will.
I was reading through some help lines from the internet this evening and I happen to come across some so called helpful tips on how to live the life you wanted. Well, in the secular world, this is how it is illustrated: -
For instance...10 ways to create the life YOU want: Listen to YOUR body and spirit; operate more fully from intuition.
Improve SELF-care.
Design environments that nourish and support YOU.
Improve the quality of YOUR energy sources.
Identify and clarify YOUR core values.
Honor YOUR values throughout your whole life.
Learn to use YOUR feelings to help YOU manifest what YOU want.
Let go of SELF-limiting beliefs.
Learn to live in harmony with UNIVERSAL PRINCIPLES.
Hire a coach to hold YOUR agenda and facilitate YOUR process.
You see, these summarized tips are highlighted with countless keywords. What are they? Go see for yourself.
It's "you", "your", "you-niversal principles" and "self".
In reverse, it's all talking about ME, ME, MINE, MYSELF, MY OWN... I, I, I... yada yada..
I just couldn't get the fact that we should mind our business more than others. Is this world ALL about ourselves and no one else except ourselves? Is improving only our SELF the only key to success and happiness?
Maybe we should just be interested in other people, and putting them first above us. Then and only then, we can be able receive satisfaction and that's living the life you should live.
Think about it.
Let me just re-sketch out 10 ways a Christian should live a life of Happiness:
Listen to what God has to say when praying; depend more on the Holy Spirit.
Cast all cares upon Him, and put Him first above yourself.
Be around people of positive influence and of great moral support.
Take care of your health and sleep well.
Adopt biblical values and work on Character.
Honour your words. Your word is your bond. Never make empty promises.
Learn to walk by faith and trust in the Lord.
Nothing is impossible with God, and thus the mind needs to be renewed.
Always try to see people in their perspective. Seek to understand rather than to be understood.
Get a mentor. If not, get a friend (and I mean real friend).
Well this one makes more sense. Lesser "you" and "your". More on principles and advices. How's that?
In fact, you may thought that happiness is easy to achieve. It isn't despite God's existance. It needs constant effort and daily pursuit.
And don't you think that making an impact in someone's life would bring you satisfaction and fulfillment, instead of seeking for self-improvement in vain?
Think about it.
May 11, 2006
Take your time to analyse the diagram I've illustrated above.
It's not quite abstract like the way you think it is. But there are two principles in which you should bear in mind, and that is:
1. We are not alone. There's another realm besides the physical one we thrive in. God is with us. It's only a matter of how close we are to Him. For He is our Creator and Father who loves us just the same.
2. When there is prayer, it always transcends time.
Read the bible Hebrews 11:1
It says that "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
One thing to note: Faith is not some kind of mind power. It is connected to the reality of God's Word. Faith actually sees the promises of God coming true before they happen. Faith is almost like entering another dimension in time and space where you see the thing you are praying for happen before it actually happens in reality.
Here's the jeez..
With faith, you are seeing the hope of the future, which has not yet exist. When there is faith in a person, there is always hope. When a person is hopeless, he is without faith. We all carry a certain amount of faith in us. That's the reason why we live. Hence there is no such thing as without a hope.
With prayer, you are escalating your faith, accelerating and gearing yourself towards the future, as prayer is a form of communication and fellowshiping with God, who has already seen your future. This act forms an alliance with God's vision and purpose for our destiny, which will allow our goals and dreams to come to pass.
Therefore, by constant praying to God & trusting in Him, God in the Spiritual realm is able to re-create or mould our physical realm and circumstances according to His will.
In conclusion, prayer actually changes the physical reality.
Are you a person of great faith? Remember, nothing is impossible. But with God, everything is made possible!
Start praying and trusting in the Lord today and begin to see your bright future come to pass.
May 09, 2006
Take a look at this stupid joker on the train.
The train is traveling at night and this joker in front of everyone is behaving so foolishly. I don't get it. And the accent he has shows he's probably a mainland Chinese. Such a disgrace!
I mean, have you ever seen a person standing like flamingo on the train? Have you ever seen someone zipping his loose pants in front of everyone? Have you ever seen someone stroking his butt on the train? My gawd this is gross..
And his grandma is picking her nose at the scene. If they're Singaporeans, then alas, Singapore's future has been tarnished. You call this a first world ettiquette? More like low class morons.
Moreover, if you are to view this video to the very end, the train operator actually announced that the train stops at Bedok control station. Yikes!!!
I ought to be careful. Darling, I hope you do too.
Maniacs are everywhere.
May 03, 2006
Sleeplessness is a disease...
Top 10 Ways to Make Me Sleep At Night
10 Sleeping Pills - Yeah yeah.. I had too much of this back in those sick days I ain't going to get them ever unless you are smuggling them for me. Hehehe.. but it's a good idea though.
09 Reading Novels - One can ask me to read a book. I'll sleep soon after. Effective, but there's also a risk in it. I'll be bored and do something else instead. Short attention spent.. on books especially.
08 Stroke My Eyebrows and Lashes Gently - This might help. It'll feel ticklish but it sure does make a difference in my sleeping habit. But, it's addictive.
07 Bring Me Some Soothing Music - Oh yeah.. some boring music tunes might help stir me into dreamland. Those that have birds chirping in it, and some sounds of waterfalls or waves.
06 Rain on Me! - Nothing beats the rain. Except that it seldom rain at this part of the year. But if it's raining, please, don't ask me out! This doesn't apply to my girlfriend.
05 Read Me Bedtime Story - This is better, especially boring ones. However, you need to have a boring voice to do so too.
04 Sing to Me For the Entire Night - That is, if you have a beautiful voice. This applies only to female(s). Why? 'Cos I could never sleep easy without a woman's singing. (Not my mom of course).
03 Put Me On A Public Transport (w/o odour) - Yes. You can drive me if you want. I always sleep on buses or train, not mentioning the car. The air-con and the transport's momentum will help rock me to sleep. Just make sure there's no one in it. Thanks.
02 Be Horny Over the Phone - This doesn't apply to men. But it always works. Just some dirty talks or phone sex will do.
01 Make Love With Me - A huge guarantee of a great sleep!
Huh? And where did I get infected with this disease? Help! I need a cure!
It's never been my habit to sleep early ever since I had the freedom and liberty to do so after my NS life. So every night I'll spend a little more hours on the net doing my stuff. These hours slowly increased.. especially when I started talking to my girlfriend every night.
Of course my health soon betrayed me somehow or rather.And yesterday night, I began sleeping early again. But then I couldn't sleep. Tossed and turned around my bed for about an hour before I slept at 12 midnight. Because of this Insomnia, I couldn't bring myself to sleep every night even way before my cough started. I hate sleeplessness and if anyone of you out there knows the formula of getting rid of this syndrome, please email me okay..?
I need more remedies!!!
May 02, 2006
Polling Day is drawing near and days ago I was pretty confused regarding the party I should vote for. Frankly, there isn't any choice for all of us in this miserable island. Because the "Ruling Party" takes it all and not much chances were given for the Opposition to succeed. Well, it's not that they didn't do their best either, but in my point of view, I'm looking for a leader who's able to serve the people well, with wisdom and leadership, and not just a bunch of thugs talking the talk.
I was surfing the net and found this:
"I admit that I am one of those apolitical Singaporeans who is more interested in my own welfare than anything else. However, I have been following the coverage on this year�s elections a bit more avidly - from online newspapers to blogs. And have I learnt a lot!" - JollyPuddle
Check out that link within the writer's nick.
It's true in fact. I couldn't possibly deny that I'm one of those Singaporeans who vote for my own benefits and welfare. Selfish as I may be, but the fact is, I realised that politics are never fair, so are the people in their different point of views. There's no right or wrong in politics, it's just a matter of how the Oppositions play it.
Until the day the Oppositions learn to take the lead and convince the Pragmatists that they are the rightful lots who are of calibre, I will vote for them. As for now, they have not proven their capabilities, be it in their speech or their intentions.
So, after reading what I read from JollyPuddle, I wrote him/her my views:
To JollyPuddle:
I agree with u on ur last few points.
I was from a neighbourhood school myself and I'm aspiring to become a teacher too. Preferably, one who teaches in a neighbourhood school, because I believe that there're so much we can do to make a difference in those students' lives, especially those from the neighbourhood schools.
Indeed, they certainly face many challenges at home and elsewhere, that's why it's essential for such schools to have efficient teachers, proper facilities and support programmes to help them excel in their studies and mature as an individual.
The Oppositions sure have their points to prove, but are they efficient enough to carry them out? Are they able to bring their message across to the people without allowing them to be dubious of their intentions?
I feel that sometimes it's not who's in the right or who's wrong. Rather, can someone actually take the lead, carry themselves well and also, be wise in their decisions? It's a matter of being at the right place at the right time.