December 31, 2005
Woot! It's New Years's eve! Right now, we have approximately 20 odd hours before the start of the next brand new year. If you think that it's going to be a fresh new beginning, you're right! However if you think that it's going to be a boring year ahead and something that will just slip by, you are also right!
Well, what I'm trying to say here is that, we've got to have a clear view of our new resolution, vision and goals to meet tomorrow! Yes! And what we end the year with is what we're gonna start the year with as well. So let's end this year well, so that we'll enjoy the fresh new year tomorrow! Heard of this saying - Alls well that ends well? I think it's applicable here though.
Anyway... here're some stuffs which I can look forward to starting from tomorrow and the new year ahead!
1. World Cup 2006!
2. More business and money making opportunities
3. A full-time job that pays well
4. A full-time ministry in church
5. A part-time job (current) which I can keep along as well
6. My meet up with my darling in the middle of the year
7. More contacts and friends
8. More fun and outtings
9. Financial blessings and good health
10. A good ending for the year 2006
I hope I can end the next year well too. Anyway, here's wishing you people a Happy Prosperous New Year ahead.
December 27, 2005
1. You start complaining about every single thing you can ever find fault with.
2. You have been into a physical fight at Orchard Road whenever there's festive celebration like Christmas and New Year.. etc.
3. You want to win in everything you are involved in.
4. You want to be the first in everything you do, except dying.
5. You are sitting with a stranger on a public transport then start to shift to another empty seat when it's available.
6. You sleep on every public transport rides.
7. You pretend to sleep while on the buses, trains etc..
8. You subconsciously know that the next word after the end of the sentence is going to be a "lar".
9. You start dicussing what's for dinner at lunch.
10. You won�t raise your voice to protest policies, but you�ll in fact raise your fists to whack someone over Hello Kitty.
11. You'll forever be talking about going against a system you're against, but never go about doing it.
12. You'll complain about the government, but whenever the government introduces an incentive, you keep quiet.
13. You started trying to speak proper mandarin whenever there's a "Speak Mandarin Campaign", and after every thing, it's back to *
14. You try real hard to speak like a foreigner (westerners especially), when having a usual conversation with them.
15. You remembered how to sing the National Anthem ONLY when you were back in your school days, and later forget about the lyrics once you graduated from high school.
16. You don't know 90% of your relatives whom you vist during Chinese New Year.
17. You marry because of incentives.
18. You have kids also because of incentives.
19. You will only queue whenever there's a free gift.
20. You are too impatient to wait in a queue and sometimes curse and swear for nothing.
21. You think that marriage is a process of throwing a large banquest in a Chinese restaurant and the rest is history, plus... the 'baby factory' your parents are concern about.
22. You tried your best not to laugh when watching a comedy show on TV Mobile.
23. You think that laughing out loud is a taboo on buses.
24. You are afraid of people looking at what you are doing.
25. You are easily embarassed.
26. You are quick to criticise and slow to admit.
27. You put your child in the nearest school as possible to cut costs.
28. You force your children to take ballet lessons, but pray they won�t wind up in Arts later on.
29. You suddenly realize you�re very interested in Biotech - just like you suddenly realized three years ago that you were very interested in E-commerce, and before that, Engineering, and before that, Medicine and Law.
30. If you're a guy, you'll get together with your guy friends and talk about your army days.
31. If you're a guy, you'll also whine to your guy friends about your previous rejection from the girl you are courting for over the past one year.
32. If you're a girl, you'll get together with your girl friends and shop around town only to end up in bars and pubs later in the evening.
33. If you're a girl, you'll get together with your girl friends only to talk about recent losers with strange manners who tried to court you with a lame pick up line.
34. If you're a guy, you'll watch soccer every time it's on TV and neglect your girlfriends.
35. If you're a girl, you'll hate your guys for watching soccer every time it's on TV.
36. If you're a local football fan, you'll never support Southampton, cos it sucks.
37. You need campaigns to tell you how to be courteous, to be considerate, to flush the toilets, to have sex, etc.
38. You have eaten at the Esplanade more than you�ve actually seen the plays there.
39. You'd feel hungry in the middle of the night and drive your way out for supper miles away from home.
40. Your children speak more singlish than his/her mother tongue.
41. You eat in hotels rather than staying there for a night.
42. When you quarrel with your spouse, the next destination is your parents' house, seldom the hotels.
43. You'd eat at the airport more times than you fly out of the country.
44. Your tummy starts to grow after the 'Big 3'.
45. If you�re pregnant, you have the strange ability to make people on the MRT fall asleep instantly.
46. You�ll rather spend $80,000 on a car, but will go to great efforts to save a few bucks on E.R.P. charges or even a few cents on a parking coupon. (look whose cheap here..)
47. You think that working at fast food restaurants are for the elderly and retirees.
48. You pronounce the letter �R� as �Ah-rer� and the letter �H� as �hey-ch�.
49. Instead of pronouncing the Chinese word "Zhe Bian", it becomes "Je ben".
50. When you explain things to people, you keep using alphabets and speaking in point form.
51. You reserve a seat or table by placing a packet of tissues on the chair or table respectively at lunch time.
52. You'll never stop blaming the government for a slightest mishap that has ever happened to you.
53. You know your hawker centre stalls at the back of your fingertips.
54. You�d rather drink your own pee than pay someone a little more for water.
55. You'd rather spend your penny on a drink than to give it to the charities on the streets.
56. You secretly find that the best part of the "Speak Good English Campaign" is hearing the Singlish bits in their ads.
57. During elections, you decide that there is no credible opposition even though you don�t know the name of the opposition candidate in your constituency.
58. During elections, you'd rather vote for the sake of incentives, than the capability of the government.
59. You forgot how to say the Singapore pledge.
60. You felt that you should be born somewhere outside of Singapore.
61. You have an automatic sensor in your head which generalize people you meet into stayer & quitter, cosmopolitan & heartlander, normal & express & gifted, winner & loser etc.
62. You'll never make friends with people who are of lower class than you.
63. You'll criticize or make fun of any non-local customs, systems or behaviours when overseas.
64. You'll behave the same way you are as Singaporeans when travelling overseas thinking that you are always right, and having the "Customers are always right" attitude.
65. You felt disgraced as a fellow Singaporean.
* rojak = A malay dish which contains lots of meat vegetables mixed together. It's another word refering to languages or things that are in a complicated mixture. In this case, rojak refers to singlish or singese.
December 26, 2005
Today's boxing day - A day when everyone starts opening their christmas presents. Well, I don't actually give a damn about this day and opened my present two days ago. (oops..) Anyway.. I hope everybody receives wonderful gifts this year and I would like to wish everyone a fruitful new year ahead!
Once again, Happy Boxing Day! ;-)
The Gas Station - A christmas storyThe old man sat in his gas station on a cold Christmas Eve. He hadn't been anywhere in years since his wife had passed away. He had no decorations, no tree, no lights. It was just another day to him. He didn't hate Christmas, just couldn't find a reason to celebrate.
There were no children in his life. His wife had gone. He was sitting there looking at the snow that had been falling for the last hour and wondering what it was all about when the door opened and a homeless man stepped through..
Instead of throwing the man out, George, Old George as he was known by his customers, told the man to come and sit by the heater and warm up..
"Thank you, but I don't mean to intrude," said the stranger. "I see you're busy. I'll just go"
"Not without something hot in your belly," George turned and opened the Thermos and handed it to the stranger. "It ain't much, but it's hot and tasty. Stew. Made it myself. When you're done there's coffee and it's fresh."
Just at that moment he heard the "ding" of the driveway bell. "Excuse me be right back," George said. There in the driveway was an old 53 Chevy. Steam was rolling out of the front. The driver jumped out. "Mister can you help me!" said the driver with a deep Spanish accent. "My wife is with child and my car is broken."
George opened the hood. It was bad. The block looked cracked from the cold; the car was dead. "You ain't going in this thing," George said as he turned away. "But mister. Please help..." The door of the office closed behind George as he went in. George went to the office wall and got the keys to his old truck, and went back outside. He walked around the building and opened the garage, started the truck and drove it around to where the couple was waiting.
"Here, take my truck," he said. "She ain't the best thing you ever looked at but she runs real good." George helped put the woman in the truck and watched as it sped off into the night. George turned and walked back inside the office. "Glad I gave em the truck. Their tires were shot too. That 'ol truck has brand new..." George thought he was talking to the stranger, but the man had gone. The thermos was on the desk, empty with a used coffee cup beside it. "Well, at least he got something in his belly," George thought.
George went back outside to see if the old Chevy would start. It cranked slowly, but it started. He pulled it into the garage where the truck had been. He thought he would tinker with it for something to do. Christmas Eve meant no customers. He discovered that the block hadn't cracked, it was just the bottom hose on the radiator. "Well, shoot, I can fix this," he said to himself. So he put a new one on. "Those tires ain't gonna get 'em through the winter either." He took the snow treads off of his wife's old Lincoln. They were like new and he wasn't going to drive the car.
As he was working he heard shots being fired. He ran outside and beside a police car an officer lay on the cold ground. Bleeding from the left shoulder, the officer moaned, "Help me." George helped the officer inside as he remembered the training he had received in the Army as a medic. He knew the wound needed attention. "Pressure to stop the bleeding," he thought. The uniform company had been there that morning and had left clean shop towels. He used those and duct tape to bind the wound. "Hey, they say duct tape can fix anything," he said, trying to make the policeman feel at ease. "Something for pain," George thought. All he had was the pills he used for his back. "These ought to work." He put some water in a cup and gave the policeman the pills. "You hang in there. I'm going to get you an ambulance." The phone was dead. "Maybe I can get one of your buddies on that talk box out in your car."
He went out only to find that a bullet had gone into the dashboard destroying the two way radio. He went back in to find the policeman sitting up. "Thanks," said the officer. "You could have left me there. The guy that shot me is still in the area." George sat down beside him. "I would never leave an injured man in the Army and I ain't gonna leave you." George pulled back the bandage to check for bleeding. "Looks worse than what it is. Bullet passed right ya. Good thing it missed the important stuff though. I think with time your gonna be right as rain." George got up and poured a cup of coffee.
"How do you take your coffee?" he asked. "None for me," said the officer. "Oh, yer gonna drink this. Best in the city. Too bad I ain't got no donuts." The officer laughed and winced at the same time.
The front door of the office flew open. In burst a young man with a gun. "Give me all your cash! Do it now!" the young man yelled. His hand was shaking and George could tell that he had never done anything like this before.
"That's the guy that shot me!" exclaimed the officer. "Son, why are you doing this?" asked George. "You need to put the cannon away. Somebody else might get hurt." The young man was confused. "Shut up old man, or I'll shoot you, too. Now give me the cash!"
The cop was reaching for his gun. "Put that thing away," George said to the cop. "We got one too many in here now." He turned his attention to the young man. "Son, it's Christmas Eve. If you need the money, well then, here. It ain't much but it's all I got."
"Now put that pee shooter away." George pulled $150 out of his pocket and handed it to the young man, reaching for the barrel of the gun at the same time. The young man released his grip on the gun, fell to his knees and began to cry.
"I'm not very good at this am I? All I wanted was to buy something for my wife and son," he went on. "I've lost my job. My rent is due. My car got repossessed last week..."
George handed the gun to the cop.
"Son, we all get in a bit of squeeze now and then. The road gets hard sometimes, but we make it through the best we can." He got the young man to his feet, and sat him down on a chair across from the cop.
"Sometimes we do stupid things." George handed the young man a cup of coffee. "Being stupid is one of the things that makes us human. Comin' in here with a gun ain't the answer. Now sit there and get warm and we'll sort this thing out." The young man had stopped crying.
He looked over to the cop. "Sorry I shot you. It just went off. I'm sorry officer."
"Shut up and drink your coffee." the cop said.
George could hear the sounds of sirens outside. A police car and an ambulance skidded to a halt. Two cops came through the door, guns drawn.
"Chuck! You ok?" one of the cops asked the wounded officer.
"Not bad for a guy who took a bullet. How did you find me?"
"GPS locator in the car. Best thing since sliced bread. Who did this?" the other cop asked as he approached the young man. Chuck answered him, "I don't know. The guy ran off into the dark. Just dropped his gun and ran."
George and the young man both looked puzzled at each other. "That guy work here?," the wounded cop continued. "Yep," George said. "Just hired him this morning. Boy lost his job." The paramedics came in and loaded Chuck onto the stretcher. The young man leaned over the wounded cop and whispered, "Why?"
Chuck just said, "Merry Christmas boy. And you too, George, and thanks for everything." "Well, looks like you got one doozy of a break there. That ought to solve some of your problems."
George went into the back room and came out with a box. He pulled out a ring box. "Here you go. Something for the little woman. I don't think Martha would mind. She said it would come in handy some day."
The young man looked inside to see the biggest diamond ring he ever saw. "I can't take this," said the young man. "It means something to you."
"And now it means something to you," replied George. "I got my memories. That's all I need." George reached into the box again. An airplane, a car and a truck appeared next. They were toys that the oil company had left for him to sell. "Here's something for that little man of yours."
The young man began to cry again as he handed back the $150 that the old man had handed him earlier. "And what are you supposed to buy Christmas dinner with? You keep that too," George said. "Now git home to your family."
The young man turned with tears streaming down his face. "I'll be here in the morning for work, if that job offer is still good."
"Nope. I'm closed Christmas day," George said. "See ya the day after."
George turned around to find that the stranger he offered coffee before, had returned. "Where'd you come from? I thought you left?"
"I have been here. I have always been here," said the stranger. "You say you don't celebrate Christmas. Why?"
"Well, after my wife passed away I just couldn't see what all the bother was puttin' up a tree and all seemed a waste of a good pine tree. Bakin' cookies like I used to with Martha just wasn't the same by myself and besides I was getting a little chubby."
The stranger put his hand on George's shoulder. "But you do celebrate christmas, George. You gave me food and drink and warmed me when I was cold and hungry. - The woman with child will bear a son and he will become a great doctor. - The policeman you helped will go on to save 19 people from being killed by terrorists. - The young man who tried to rob you will make you a rich man and not take any for himself. That is the spirit of the season and you keep it as good as any man."
George was taken aback by all this stranger had said. "And how do you know all this?" asked the old man.
"Trust me, George. I have the inside track on this sort of thing. And when your days are done you will be with Martha again." The stranger moved toward the door. "If you will excuse me, George, I have to go now. I have to go home where there is a big celebration planned."
George watched as the old leather jacket and the torn pants that the stranger was wearing turned into a white robe. A golden light began to fill the room. "You see, George... it's my birthday. Merry Christmas."
It's Christmas Time. Everyone floods to the shopping malls in town trying to get the best sales they can ever grab, everyone are busy smsing their friends, their colleagues and their family members greetings andsweet salutations, and the joyous mood of the season gives reason for everybody to eat, drink and be merry.
Working adults started to ensure that their year end bonus are in tact, students make sure that their parents buy them gifts that they always wanted, and little kids just want some fun. It's such a happy occasion whenever Christmas is near or have arrived. It has become an international festival, or should I say, a commercialized holiday for all folks young and old.
But, some people are feeling lonely this Christmas. Some aren't loved. Some too poor to celebrate this day. Some are just having the "scrooge" syndrome. But Christmas, is not Christmas itself.
Christmas is not a festival. It is not a holiday, but it became one. It is not a religious day, or a custom or an obligation. Many people now mistook Christmas as a day for outtings, fun-making and just simpy going to church. Christmas is not all about going shopping getting the best bargains. It's not about going clubbing to drink and be merry and then get drunk in the process. It's not about hanging out with friends for a movie or eatting junk food in town. It's not even singing Christmas songs just because you are in church. Christmas is more than just that.
Christmas has been celebrated for nearly two millenium. And on the very first night of Christmas, a very important person was born. He is the saviour of the world. His name is Jesus. That first Christmas night, God loves us so much that He sent His only son, Jesus into this corrupted and broken-down world to free us from all our sins, and that to all who believe in His name shall have salvation and a life everlasting in eternity. For they shall not perish but live a fruitful and a purposeful life on earth.
Friends, God gave a precious gift to mankind. A gift for us to seek refuge in. A gift for us to reconcile with God and gain access into eternity in the afterlife. It is because of His love that sets us free. And it's because of His sacrificial giving of His most precious Son that touches the world, that millions of people came to know Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.
Christmas is the time of giving and sharing, not only to your love ones, but rather to your enemies and to those who do not deserve our blessings and good will. It is a time of reunion and reconciliation as well. But sadly, not many people practise that. They've certainly missed the meaning of Christmas, which is behind all that giving and sharing.. and loving.
It's a pity to see Singaporeans especially, treating Christmas like any other holidays. It in fact, has a special meaning attached to it, which many of them are too ignorant to discover for themselves. And if one were to make a difference on that day itself, it can transform another person's life.
What makes Christmas different from any other holidays? It is a day when people would make a difference in somebody else's life and find the true meaning of satisfaction and fulfillment, most of it all, the true meaning of Christmas. Because, only through giving, a life can be touched.
Have you made a difference in someone's life today? Or are you actually missing out on what it means to celebrate Christmas?
December 25, 2005
Merry Christmas everybody! May God Bless everyone of you out there!
December 19, 2005
This is just great! Those men from Singtel came over just now to troubleshoot on my internet connection. And thank God, within a few seconds, the internet is back.
And the funny part of it is, the wire connection has been connected wrongly by the previous employee of that company. Damn! What a joke. Must be a youngster who doesn't even know a shit of what he's doing.
Anyway, everything is back to normal. So it's one load less to worry about now. I blog more in time to come.
December 14, 2005
I'm going to change to Singtel Connection for my internet usage from effect of 17th Dec this year. Currently, Starhub Max Online is my host, and unfortunately, I'm a sucker for it. So this entire afternoon, I was sucking up on this starhub connection and then suddenly, the connection went off without any warning! My goodness, how could they do such a thing? My termination is on the 16th or a day after that. And they cut my freakin' connection to save their money asses? Also unfortunately, I've planned to write my resumes online tonight!
My dear people, THAT's one of the reason why I am about to boycot Starhub. They think their balls are so big and their brains are growing all over the place, including their "Gina". But in fact, their plans are all screwed up.
For once, I thought Starhub was my hero. That was when I was using my Starhub phone line. Wooo... Free in-coming calls! Sounds pretty cool back in those days right? I thought so. Then later, Singtel came out with a better plan of theirs, which included the free in-coming calls as well. I thought maybe I should give it a try and so, I appealed for a change in my phone line for my new phone I received as my birthday present last year. To my surprise, I was told that my 2-year plan has not ended yet, and I've to wait till a few months later for it in order to proceed into changing my phone lines.
This is a SHITTY rule, and an ASSY plan. I mean, can't we just switch our plans whenever we like? I'd like that very much thank you.
That said, I'm now a supporter of the Reds (Singtel) instead of the Greens(Starhub). No offence to those working in Starhub, but I think Starhub will never make it as big as Singtel.
Oh, don't like what I'm saying, change your job or sue me.
Well, so it's no cyber connection for me till 17th this month and for now, I'm gonna be using my sister's lap top again.
Haiz... hopefully everything will be back on track by the end of this week.
And my result...
Your Career Type: Artistic
You are expressive, original, and independent.
Your talents lie in your artistic abilities: creative writing, drama, crafts, music, or art.
You would make an excellent:
Actor - Art Teacher - Book Editor
Clothes Designer - Comedian - Composer
Dancer - DJ - Graphic Designer
Illustrator - Musician - Sculptor
The worst career options for your are conventional careers, like bank teller or secretary.
When I was young I used to be inspired to become a DJ when I grow up, as I love listening to music alot back when I was in high school. I'm currently blogging so writing and being expressive can be my strength. I want to be a web developer, now that I've past my youthful high school age. So, I guess, this result fits me perfectly.
Basically, I just love to express myself. So something artistic would be a fine career for me.
And my result...
You Are 30 Years Old |
Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.
13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.
20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.
30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!
40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. |
So, it means I'm mature! Hooray! And why are some people still treating me like a boy? Can't they see I'm mature and all so professional? Oh well.. maybe they're reaching the 60s that's why and all their pathetic teeth and hair drop away.. They're obviously dying.
And my result...
You Should Get a MBA (Masters of Business Administration) |
You're a self starter with a drive for success. You'd make a great entrepreneur. |
...yea, if ONLY I can get into the university..
December 13, 2005
Although I've got my computer back on line, there're certain things I couldn't do and I couldn't figure out what or how to do with it. I'm not a very IT person so I have no clue as to how to solve this problem. The video players are giving problems again, which I don't even know why even though I've formatted my computer totally. Everything is now fresh and clean in my PC's system but still this problem exist. Could it be because of the video card? Hmm... how come Microsoft is so sucky? How come all these computers nowadays are so screwed up? Can't someone invent a better computer that doesn't break down that easily?
I remembered the first time I used Compaq, it totally sucks big time. And I mean it does SUCKS! Compaq is a processor which is only compatible with its own softwares and other stuffs that has its brand written on it. Therefore, I can't use many softwares with that processor. So, it sucks. Now for Dell, I can do anything to it for all I care. But the customer service, you know what? IT IS SO FUCKED UP. Everything is done on the phone itself. There're not even one service centre that can help IT losers like us solve our damn problem at all! Every shit is done on the damn phone. I wonder how anyone could describe their problems on the phone when they've no idea of those complicated (and i mean complicated) computer jargons.
And when I once approached someone from Dell, he replied if you don't know these, don't keep a computer. Ar well, I have no time that day to bash him up, so I won't even bother. Seriously, they're all bastards! Everyone of them are bastards! If only those people are kinder and thoughtful, this world will not even have wars. Well, I could only say to myself, "Dream on."
Now I guess I'm gonna go investigate this problem again. Perhaps I'll have my damn computer reformatted again to save the trouble. Haiz... when can an intelligent soul invent a more durable computer that doesn't give us problems? Quando? Quando?
Damn it! Now my computer's blinking again. Gotta go. Argh!!!
December 12, 2005
I am so happy!
I finally got my computer reformatted and rid of all those trojan shit that has been terrorizing my PC all these while. All thanks to Sern Hong (Steve) who guided me on some steps to reformat this whole virus-infected and file-corrupted desktop of mine. And I owe him a treat.
Although there're still some resources to be added back into my fresh Desktop, I'm glad that at least, it could come back to life. The feeling was as if I had just ressurected from the tomb! Feels great!
Never again am I messing around with codecs and spyware stuffs, since everything's back in order. One frustrating thing is that I couldn't get my DirectX up. I don't know why. Kept installing it but whenever I play a game, it just couldn't detect that DirectX thingy.. *shrug* I'm not IT trained, so talking much here wouldn't help. It'll make me sound like an idiot.
Alright, I'm tired. Need to get some sleep.
December 08, 2005
Damn! Today's really screwed up! My computer's working fine in morning still... and somewhere into the day, it started its usual symptoms and i did what I normally would do - Switch it off via the main switch cos the whole damn screen is hanged; I can't move any cursors or mouse arrow.
Then, out of a shock after I restarted the entire system, the whole screen just turned blue! And it says something like winsrv isn't installed and one of its component's missing. That really sent me cursing the whole time. My computer is my life! And my blog is my life! And so is some forums and my precious files in there! But the most of all these is my MSN!!! Without it, I'll be reduced to.. I don't know what word to use for that but it's definitely not gonna be a positive.
The reason why I'm able to type this entry out, is with the help of my sister's lap top. And man, I hate all those stuffs that crashed or corrupted my PC! First they were the spywares, then the ads.. (Not that I don't have any adawares or spy bots), and then, the virus.. God damn it! Microsoft is going the low ways to earn themselves the dirty bucks. And you know what, I CURSE MICROSOFT!!! BILL GATES! YOU SUCK and YOU JOLLY WELL EAT MY SHIT ONCE MY PC IS WELL AGAIN! If you are reading this, go screw yourself, asshole! I wish I could punch the light out of you dock face!
Haiz... I need to air myself man.. this is giving me a terrible time. I'm starting to miss my honey now.. without MSN, and web cam... I'm gonna miss her if I don't get my com fixed on time. Just one more week before Wendy's exams are over, and I have that amount of time to fix up this freakin' mess. Sigh... I hope I can do this..
Can someone please screw microsoft for me? They're robbing us our money! Those bullshits..
December 05, 2005
Okay! here're the pictures I received from my friend today. And I'm gonna post 'em up.
This is the overall look of what's in the audithorium, Basement 4. This is where we had our very last service in Jurong West.
Shiming and I. And No. We're not gay.This is my cell group. And of course, there're more people who aren't in this pic. They're probably going to get some supper themselves.
Dang! I can't believe I can still sleep during photo-taking! Argh...!
This is the last time we're gonna eat at this hawker centre in Jurong West. Our next fellowship meetings will be elsewhere in Expo. And so, the hawker centres here is about to lose their business soon! Muahahaha...
Oh, and today, Robin and I decided to go try out a really fantastic dessert called Fried Mars Bars. For those who doesn't have any idea of what this dessert is made up of, it actually consists of Mars chocolate divided into 4 parts and fried till the exterior becomes solid. But when you bite into it, it's soft and creamy inside with the heavenly chocolaty taste of Mars chocolate. It just melts in your mouth and the taste is fantastic! Of course, all sweet-tooths will LOVE this dessert!
I had a picture taken of this dish on the spot but I regretted not bringing my digi-cam along for a better shot (I'm cursing myself for that sucky picture taken now). Cell phone cameras suck big time, and their picture quality aren't very clear. It somehow ruins this blog but I gotta post it up anyway.
Here it is... presenting the sweetest dessert ever tasted for this month......
TA DAH!!Fried Mars BarConsisting of:
- Mars Chocolate cut into 4 pieces and fried into chocolate balls
- A choice of Vanilla/Chocolate ice-cream to go along with the fried Mars Bar.
- Some toppings of melted chocolate over the ice-cream of your choice.
And the cost: - S$2.95 (Pretty cheap for one bowl; but, expensive if you order 2)
Here's where to find this wonderful dessert: ~
Okay, to all map idiots, just look at the damn red star. The red star indicates the building where you can find this dish. See below for more directions on how to go there.
Direction: ~
* It's in
Far East Plaza.
* Go to
level one. (You would have to walk down a flight of stairs)
* Look out for the stall named
* In case, you're lost, it's near the New Zealand Natural Ice-cream stall and next to the Taiwanese Snack Stall.
Some said this dish is super sweet and it's not good eating too much of it. I received comments that eating too much of these, would probably cause nausea as well. Well, I suggest you give this dessert a try before ordering a second round, if you think it's good!
For your info, Robin really likes this dessert and we'll be going back for more. It ain't much really, so we went to have more snacks as we're still hungry. You're never gonna get full eating this.
December 04, 2005
I don't think I can take it anymore! My com is giving me hell of problems! Viruses and adwares stalked up this electronic box and now it's blinking away in front of me. I hate it when it happens cos everytime I play a video file it'll just blink at me and go super slow... It's now blinking as I speak.. :roll:
Well, this afternoon I got someone to find out what was really happening to my sick com. And it turns out that there aren't any problems with the hardwares, but the main problem lies with those little stuffs, like those adwares, codec incompatibilities and too many media player programs installed that took up too much space of the system.
Gosh!!! I was thinking of reformatting/formatting it again! But meanwhile, I need to get a back-up by buying a hard-disk at Sim Lim Square. I guess my dad's gonna get it for me, either tomorrow or.. I don't know when. But man.. this is really an urgent matter. My computer is my life! And my blog is also my life! MSN, google and sgForums are also my life! Without my damn computer, I'm paralysed and couldn't do anything at all!
I guess, perhaps I'll persevere on to get this computer fixed before writing my resum�s, downloading my stuffs and moderating my forum. I can't bring myself to post much pictures here though, as I've gotta minimise my use of the internet for a while so as to resolve this computer's nonsense.
However, that said, I would be posting up some pictures taken on the night after my last City Harvest service at Jurong West. Next week, we're moving to Expo - another FAR place and seems that it's kind of a no-man's land to me..
The pictures are supposed to be posted up by today. My friend got it delayed for some reasons so I'll be getting those pics tomorrow. Stay tuned peepz! I'll be right back tomorrow.
December 01, 2005
I just came back from a combined cell group meeting in The Third Place. It was superb. Why? Because during this meeting, a professional doctor spoke about how to deal with stress. And then, it was concluded with a short sermon on how to end this year victoriously so as to prepare ourselves physically, mentally and spiritually for the following year.
Haha.. there's this quiz I took, which will determine whether I'm coping well with stress. And guess what.. it says that I'm pretty well in control! Whahaha... I was like, "What??!! I thought it should be Danger Zone. Watch out!" Well, haha, I guess it's true in a way though as I can still smile and talk properly.
Anyway, I logged on to a forum just now and Timothy was feeling lonely again. He needs
someone's love to cheer him up. He wants a girl so badly. Aww...
Tim, you need to hang in there alright. Your dream girl will arrive soon. Just maximise your manhood while you have the time. Hahaha... and then the forumites were like, "What the heck is '
maximise your manhood'?" Then, someone was asking me to elaborate it. I wrote the entire thing of what I learned and experienced and put it into post. So this what I said (I thought of posting it here for the benefit of those guys who happen to browse thru this blog): ~
What's the role of a Man? - To Guard
- To Direct
- To Provide
To Guard - He is ultimately the future head of the household. He will be in charge of the entire family and responsible for everything that goes around him and his life.
Hence, the quality needed here is integrity, courage and responsibility.
Being a REAL man, doesn't means that you cannot shed a tear (nan zi han, liu xie bu liu lei ).
Being a REAL man, doesn't means you must pick up smoking, alcoholism or being the best flirt in town.
Being a REAL man, doesn't means you have to have the brawn and an "i-am-stronger-than-you" attitude and nothing less.
A REAL man is someone who:
- is not afraid to face their fears. (fear of failures..etc)
- is not afraid of taking responsibilty. (he's commited)
- is not afraid of serving others before him.
A MEDIOCRE man wants authority, but not accountability. They are selfish, self-centred & live a life of themselves.
To Direct - He has to be the person who makes decisions. Whenever a girl is with him. He needs to make quick decisions and ultimately direct the path.
Hence, the quality needed here is decisiveness, consistency, and strength.
Being decisive is a plus point and a very important quality to possess. Being decisive requires a large amount of wisdom and wit. But then, another way of being decisive is to be sure of yourself and what you are going after.
Being consistent refers to the consistency of your words. Words are VERY important to a man. What you speak determines where you come from and who you are as a person in character. As a REAL man, your word is your bond.
Strength, be it physical or mental (or spiritual, i shall not go deeper to that), should be there. You need to have a proper lifestyle in order to get that strength. A man's body is very important. How you take care of yourself reflect on how responsible you are on your life as well. A healthy lifestyle gives you strength, both physical and mental.
To Provide - Before speaking on providing for his own family, he has to learn how to be generous. If one is selfish, he cannot provide as much as the more generous man.
Generosity speaks louder than anything! If a man is generous, that speaks alot about him. He's willing to give and not afraid of what he'll get in return. That'll show that he'll be successful in life even in relationships. A giving man never fails to please his wife.
Next, stability is the word that's deeper than you think it is. It is no doubt essential to have a stable career, but as a REAL man, you also need to be stable in your attitude and behaviour. You can be stressed up and feel frustrated, but don't throw tantrums like a child. In another words, don't be childish.
Lastly, you need to be secure. Be confident of yourself. Have a good self-image and esteem. You need to be a wholesome person in order for you to attract the opposite sex. You are not half a locker trying to find another half.
Instead, you need to be secure in order for someone to feel the same towards you.
Some bonus thingy...
How to keep your wife in love with you?- Love her unconditionally.
- Love her sacrificially. (Love is the desire to benefit others even at the expense of yourself, because love desires to give.
- Love her redemptively. And thru your love, it changes her positively.
Hopefully this brief tip will be of good benefit. I'll blog again soon.